Hewlett Packard Enterprise Interview Experience for R&D | On-Campus (Virtual 2020)

HPE visited our campus for the job profile of an R&D intern. There was an initial CGPA cut off 7.5. After the registrations, HPE shortlisted students above 8 CGPA.

Location: Bangalore

Round 1 (Online Round 75 min): 

  1. 20 Aptitude Questions: It consists of quants and logical, average level questions, practicing from indiabix will be useful, questions were asked from blood relations, seating arrangements, finding patterns, geometry, probability, time and work, etc.
  2. 22 Technical Questions: Questions were C output, OS-scheduling algorithms, Networking-Routers, protocols and basic programming related from C, C++, Java(inheritance and polymorphism), level of questions were moderate to tough
  3. 8 OOPS Questions(CPP or Java): We had to choose C++ or Java before the section starts. I had picked C++. Questions were related to finding the output, functions, header files, etc., the level of questions was moderate.

No coding questions were asked

From 300 students(from CS and ECE departments),45 students were shortlisted.

Round 2 (Technical Interview 45 mins to 1 hr): There will be 2 panelists.

  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. A favorite subject, justify.
  3. Explain your project/internship experience(if any). You have to be very thorough with this, as they will pose many questions regarding the technologies used, alternative solutions, etc.(Since my internship involved app development and synchronization of systems, they asked me how I can debug errors, etc.)
  4. Puzzle: https://www.mathsisfun.com/puzzles/weighing-9-balls-solution.html (A modification of this question was asked which I could answer and other criteria were changed and asked again, which still resulted in the same answer) 
  5. OS- what is virtual memory, the access time of cache, main and secondary memory, paging, mutex and semaphores, shared memory, system calls, processes, and threads, etc.
  6. Networking- Router functionality, an overview of data flow in TCP/IP and OSI model, detailed questions on functions of the link layer
  7. Coding: Asked for language preferences (I told them I am comfortable with C and python), questions on main() function, function arguments, overloading, etc. In python, give a list of differences between list and tuple, what is mutable and immutable data types. 
  8. Asked to explain anyone sorting algo and write code for the same and code for finding out the number of bits set for a given number. (No language restriction)
  9. They asked if I had any questions for them and informed me that the results will be out very soon.

Tip: Do not say anything you are not sure of, as the other panelist will catch it and ask more questions regarding that.

Within an hour, I received a mail to attend the Managerial Round.

Round 3 (Managerial Round 30 min):

  1. Introduce yourself. 
  2. Family background
  3. Explain the internship/project. Many questions were asked about the usability and practical applications of the same, also asked me to suggest any improvisations and additional features  
  4. Difference between Struct and Union, how do they look in memory, pseudo code, how does bit manipulation affect them 
  5. He asked me to talk about anything I knew in OS for 5 min, during which he did not interrupt or ask any questions
  6. Similarly, he asked me to talk about the OSI Model and each layer, for 5 min, with no interruptions or questions
  7. Asked if I attended the pre-placement talk(I had attended it), so he asked me what did I like the most about it, etc.

Tip: Be fluent and confident when asked to talk about a topic, as that is a test for our communication and quick thinking skills. Since this is also an elimination round, answer as accurately and confidently as possible.

Round 4 (HR Round 15 min):

  1. Introduce yourself(try to mention skills apart from technical ones)
  2. Family Background(in great detail)
  3. What is the thing you most like about HPE?
  4. 4.Your Proudest moments
  5. Asked if I had given interviews before (It was my first, so he asked me why I have not to be selected in other companies)
  6. Why I picked ECE and now applying for IT companies. 

Tip: The interviewer is extremely cordial, so just be friendly, keep smiling and answer confidently without stammering.

Result: The list of selected students were announced in 2 hours.  6 students (only from CSE ) were offered FTE+Internship. 8 students (from CSE and ECE) were offered an Internship.

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