Healthcare System in UAE: Services and Facilities

The healthcare system in UAE (United Arab Emirates), leaves no doubt in admitting that it’s one of the best. As the reports say, the UAE ranks 19th globally in the 2022 World Index of Healthcare Innovation. This nation has a well-developed public health sector and a frequently updated private health sector.

In this article, we will go in-depth about the factors that make the healthcare system in UAE stand out among the others.

Healthcare System in the UAE: Tabular Data

The following table shows you the numerical data according to the healthcare system in UAE:

Important Numerical Data Regarding Healthcare Services in UAE

Type of Healthcare Structure

Both public and private

Total hospitals


Health centres


Number of public hospitals


Number of private hospitals


Rank in Healthcare innovation (2022)


Number of Healthcare services available 


Yearly increase in services 


Health score ranking


Now that we’ve covered the important numerical data, we can go through the information regarding the healthcare system in UAE in detail.

Healthcare System in the UAE: 10 Best Services and Facilities

1. The National Citizen Health Insurance Program

In the UAE, it is compulsory for every citizen, preferably resident, to have health insurance. This enables them to not worry about the availability of money at the time of mishappenings. They can freely receive medical attention while their insurance covers up the costs for them. The citizens can go for public health insurance facilities, which differ according to their emirates.

For example, “Thiqa” for ones residing in Abu Dhabi, “ENAYA” for those residing in Dubai and so on. The non-citizens can sign up with a private insurance company. For the working individuals, the employer is supposed to buy the insurance. If you’re just a traveller, you can go for an international plan.

2. Health Records Stored in an Electronic Manner

Here is one of the reasons that keeps the healthcare system in UAE ahead of the rest. The system of storage of data, such as  health records, and patient history in an electronic format. Despite following the entry of data in files and registers like most of the Healthcare systems, the healthcare system in UAE follows a digital approach for the same purpose.

This method of entering data resolves the problems related with physical files. They can’t be misplaced, destructed or be changed without the consent of the authority. 

3. Health Centres and Medical Clinics Available in UAE

Not all medical issues need a hospital. Just the fact that everything is not an emergency. For such issues that are minor, you can first contact a family doctor. In the United Arab Emirates, these family doctors are available in the Primary Health Care Centre, which is called yatakawan markaz alrieayat alsihiyat al’awalia in the regional language.

These Health Care Centres are an important component, and another facility in the healthcare system in UAE. This service are provided by the EHS (Emirate Health Services). 

4. Pharmacy System in the UAE

Coming to the pharmacy system in the healthcare system in UAE. The medicines your doctor prescribes you can be obtained from a pharmacy (called “saydalia”) that is available locally. 

Now, these pharmacies are available generally closer to the hospital/medical centre, or sometimes even inside them. Now, the working hours of these pharmacies may vary. While some of them work 24 hours every day of the week, others may have fixed working hours. Now, pharmacies have almost every product in availability, but some standard drugs are controlled by the government. Such drugs include Anti-depression pills. 

You cannot expect to order them from other countries, as there are restrictions regarding import of such items, and you can face consequences. 

5. Hospital System in the Country 

Now, if your concern is far beyond a clinic or a family doctor, visiting a hospital would be your very first choice. The number for ambulances in UAE is 998. If we look at the data, there are 157 hospitals in the healthcare system in UAE, and we can decide our nearest and preferred hospital. 

One factor that plays an important role in our decision would be our insurance, you can decide to have your treatment in a private hospital, or you can go for a shared room with several beds for patients. Here, the Wi-Fi facility, Television, and food services are accessible by the patients having their treatment in a medical facility.  

6. Private Healthcare Sector in UAE

When it comes to the private healthcare system in the UAE, they are present in the country in a huge number. Talking about Dubai in particular, the number of medical facilities is almost 4,500. Now, as the service is private, there is undoubtedly more expense to be incurred here. But one advantage you would come through is the availability of English-speaking individuals in the staff.

Now, not just hospitals, the country has healthcare cities. These cities fulfil the medical necessities for all the people. These cities can be named as Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, Dubai Healthcare City, and Sharjah Healthcare City.

7. Facility of Hospital Beds in the country 

The healthcare system in UAE is well equipped with a facility of total 19,200 beds. Now, these beds are the total of both public and private hospitals. According to the 2022 report, around 48% of these beds are in the private hospitals. Now what makes the healthcare system in UAE better is that, this is an average of 1.8 beds per 1000 people, which is undoubtedly better than the world average of 2.9 per 1000.

8. Physicians and Nurses in the Medical Sectors 

Coming as the next insight into the healthcare system in UAE is the information about its physicians and the nurses. In the healthcare centres, there is an availability of more than 33,600 physicians. Similar to the hospital bed ratio, the ratio of physicians is also an argument in favour of the reputation the healthcare system in UAE has built. There are 3.4 physicians per 1000 people, in comparison to an average of 1.3 for the global level. 

More than 56,200 nurses are working, giving up a ratio of 5.9 nurses per 1000 people. This ratio is also higher than the world average of 4.

One limitation is the fact that despite having higher ratios in the medical system, there is an uneven distribution of physicians and nurses. This can be stated by the fact that 93% physicians and 94% nurses are employed in the private healthcare centres.

9. Management of the Healthcare Facilities

Before 2007, the public healthcare system was authorised by GAHS (General Authority for Health Services). However, after this year, the management was taken from only one to different authorities: 

SEHA, the Abu Dhabi Health Services Company

  • lt takes the responsibility of controlling the public healthcare sectors in Abu Dhabi. 
  • SEHA is the authority with the purpose of managing, and developing the healthcare system in Abu Dhabi. 
  • At the present, it regulates 13 hospitals, 3 childcare and maternal centres, 47 Healthcare Centres, 3 Dental Centres, 5 Centres with specific specializations, such as blood bank, rehab centre and more.

Dubai Health Authority:

  • This authority manages the public and private health facilities in Dubai.

Dubai Healthcare City:

  • To regulate the private medical facilities in Dubai Healthcare City.

Ministry of Health (United Arab Emirates): 

  • The Ministry of Health manages both the private and public facilities in Ajman, Sharjah and all the Emirates in the northern region of UAE.
  • It also manages some of the public facilities in Dubai.

10. Source of Expenditure on the Healthcare System

Now the question is, how does the government manage expending so much upon the healthcare facilities? The healthcare system in UAE is fulfilled by the tax, and the health insurance scheme. Now, the insurance scheme is a factor here, because it is compulsory and to be borne by all the citizens, and this is the reason why UAE citizens have free access to these services.

However, on the basis of the Emirate you reside in, the additional costs may vary. We can better understand it by the fact that those not residing in Abu Dhabi or Dubai shall pay some or the entire cost for the treatment.

Future of the Healthcare System in UAE

The healthcare system in UAE has come a long way in developing itself. If we look at the UAE in 1970, it had only 7 public hospitals in total. Although it has surely come a long way, there is no limit to growth. And to ensure that, the government is looking forward several plans:

  •  The Ministry of Health is planning to invest multi million-dollars for the  further expansion of hospitals, medical facilities, and even a trauma centre across the seven emirates.
  • A well developed general hospital is inaugurated in Abu Dhabi with a capacity of 143 beds.


The healthcare system in UAE has come a long way in developing itself to turn out to be one of the best healthcare destinations around the globe. In every field of medical facility, the United Arab Emirates has an edge over the world.

The physicians, nurses or hospital beds ratio for example, which we have seen in this article itself. There are a lot of facilities available, and it is certainly not possible to cover them all. However, in this article, the majority of the healthcare system in UAE is discussed in detail.

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FAQs on Healthcare System in UAE

What is the Dubai Healthcare City? 

To invite wealthy citizens and non-citizens looking forward to getting a serious medical treatment, development of the Dubai Healthcare City took its place. It is a zone that offers international-level of healthcare, and medical training centre for the healthcare aspirants as well.

Is healthcare free in UAE? 

The public healthcare facilities are free for the people with UAE nationality. However, the non-citizens would have to pay for their medical expenses.

Which Emirates state has the best healthcare facility?

Dubai offers the best medical services in the United Arab Emirates.

What is the biggest health problem in the UAE?

Obesity is a significant health concern in the UAE, with high rates attributed to sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy dietary habits. Additionally, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are prevalent due to lifestyle factors and genetic predispositions.

How many healthcare facilities are there in UAE?

There are approximately 157 hospitals in the UAE, with 66% in the private sector (2020 estimates).

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