HashedIn Interview Experience for SDE Intern and FTE (On-Campus) 2021

Round 1 (Written Test): There were 3 questions.

  • 1 question was based on error detection and correction (easy).
  • 2 question was based on a stack. I don’t remember the exact question (medium).
  • 3 question was from strings (medium).

Round 2 (Technical Interview 1): There were 2 interviewers.

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Project discussion.
  • OOPs: In-depth discussion on oops concepts. They asked me to explain polymorphism and its types and implement run-time polymorphism with real-life examples.
  • DBMS: query to retrieve the 4th largest salary of an employee.
  • DSA: 2 questions were asked. 1 question was from a string(easy). Given two strings, return the intersection of both strings such that the same character appears once. 2 question was from the graph https://www.w3wiki.net/find-number-of-islands/.

Round 3 (Technical Interview 2): 

Round 4 (HR Interview):

  • Hobbies and interests
  • Family background
  • Why hashedin?
  • Your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Some situation-based questions followed the STAR approach to answer them.

Verdict: Selected : )

Tips: In all technical interview rounds, interviewers will go in-depth to know whether your concepts are strong or not. If your data structures and algorithms concepts are strong, you can easily make it through. You should also be clear with time and space complexity. For a core focus on OOPs and DBMS.

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