HashedIn Interview Experience 2022

HashedIn by Deloitte had visited BIT Mesra in August 2021 for Intern + FTE role. There was a pre-placement talk scheduled on Zoom which all the registered candidates had to join. A total of 81 students had registered for the process.

Round 1: The first phase was coding, which had 3 questions of easy-moderate difficulty. As far as I know, only those who could solve all three were promoted to the next round

Questions in the coding round:

  1. You have rolled dice several times. The N roll results that you remember are described by an array A. However, there are F rolls whose results you have forgotten. The arithmetic mean of all the roll results is equal to M. What are the possible results of the missing rolls?
  2. Worker assigning problem – Given a string S, find out the maximum number of intervals where the number of ‘L’ shoes is equal to the number of ‘R’ shoes.
  3. Bit manipulation problem – Count number of 1s in the binary representation of multiplication of two integers.

18 students cleared the coding round and moved on to Technical Interview 1.

Round 2: Technical Interview 1

Time: 1 hr

  1. Intro
  2. Tech stack
  3. Pointer based output question (C++)
  4. Implement stack from 2 queues.
  5. Celebrity problem (solved by the graph)
  6. Rapid-fire questions on Java (moderate-high difficulty)
  7. Rapid-fire questions on DBMS, Networking, Operating systems.

8 students cleared Technical Interview 1 and moved on to Technical Interview 2.

Round 3: Technical Interview 2 

Time: 1 hr

  1. Intro
  2. Projects
  3. An in-depth discussion on any one project of your choice.
  4. Write a program to efficiently reverse an input (first gave naive approach, followed by string split). At the last moment, I used stack which was the right answer.
  5. Merge two unsorted lists (used Quick Sort followed by Merging algorithm).

7 students cleared Technical Interview 2 and moved onto Fitment round (HR)

Round 4: Fitment round 

Time: 25-30 mins


  1. Why HashedIn
  2. Team player or lone wolf
  3. Experience of teamwork
  4. How do you motivate peers
  5. A little intro about the company – HashedIn University
  6. Hobbies and Interests

Result: Selected

All 7 students cleared the HR interview and received an email the following day regarding the selection.


  1. Solve moderate-level problems on GFG and Leetcode. It is more than enough for the coding round.
  2. Brush up on CS fundamentals for TI-1. Rapid-fire round is very challenging. The interviewer will change subjects very fast, so you need to keep up. They are friendly and will give you a few seconds to think for an answer.
  3. For TI 2, revise your project thoroughly. They may ask you questions based on the libraries and concepts used. I was asked in-depth questions about Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) since my project was based around Cryptocurrency.
  4. HR interviewer was very chill. Just remain confident and you should be able to back everything on your résumé.

All the best!

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