HashedIn by Deloitte Interview Experience for SDE-1 (On-Campus) 2022

50+ members were shortlisted for 1st round.

Round 1 (Coding Test): Online test was conducted on the Codility platform. There were 3 questions which are to be solved in 100 minutes.

1st Question is a basic array implementation.
2nd Question was on Graph.
3rd Question was on Dynamic Programming 
I have solved all three questions.
You need to consider all test cases by yourselves, It checks only given test case. You can use your own ide and online resources and paste it in solution.

35 were qualified for 2nd round.

2nd Round(1st technical interview): It started with an introduction from both sides, then basic questions of DBMS and easy query to find details for a specific city was asked followed by OOPs question and full implementation of polymorphism and abstraction and some JAVA questions (As I code in JAVA). Then 2 DSA question were asked, First one was of Target sum (modified somewhat) and Second was of Linked list (Add Two Numbers Given as Linked Lists). Time and space complexity were must and the input must be dynamic. It lasted 1 hour.

Finally, almost 25 moved to 3rd round.

3rd Round(2nd technical interview): Same as of Round 2 it started with introduction. Then he asked to design a database and its schema for college management app with all functionalities and relationships and professional naming convention. Followed by OOPs implementation in real world app like in Instagram with its use cases. Then he asked some questions of Computer Networks and Operating System. It was also around 1 hour and interviewer was friendly.

14 students are qualified for this round.

4th Round(Fitment Round): It also started with introduction and basic HR questions and some questions like

How you balance college and work?

Internship challenges I faced and what I did to resolve it? 

When did face failure and how bounced back?

Why Hashedin?

At last 9 were selected among which I was one.

PS: Learn and practice basic Computer Subjects and OOPs concept. Practice for Interviews and see previous interview experiences. Be confident.

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