Top 10 Happiest Animals in the World (Cutest Creatures on Earth)

In the animal kingdom, there’s a colorful array of creatures that bring joy and fascination to those who observe them. Among these, some species stand out for their seemingly very happy and behaviors that can’t help but make us smile. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 happy animals in the world, diving into the unique traits and habits that make them appear so content and cheerful.

From the playful dolphins leaping in the ocean to the smiling quokkas of Australia, each animal on our list has a special way of spreading happiness. Whether it’s through their social interactions, playful antics, or simply the way they carry themselves, these animals remind us of the beauty and positivity found in nature. Join us as we celebrate these joyful creatures and discover what makes them some of the happiest animals on our planet.

Who is the happiest animal in the world?

The quokka is often called the happiest animal in the world. They live in Western Australia and always look like they are smiling. Quokkas are known for their friendly behavior and the seemingly constant smile on their faces, which has made them popular on social media and with visitors to their habitat on Rottnest Island and other parts of Western Australia. Their cheerful appearance and demeanor have earned them this affectionate nickname.

List of Top 10 Happiest Animals on Earth

The following table is a list of the top 10 animals that are the happiest on Earth:

Happy Animal Name

Where They Are Found


Australia (isolated forests and small islands)


Worldwide, commonly found on farms and in the wild

Laughing Kookaburras

Native to Australia, widespread in Australian bush


Found worldwide, adaptable to urban and suburban areas


Global, often in farms, domestic settings

Bottlenose Dolphins

Oceans and seas worldwide, often in warmer climates


Coastal waters of the Americas, especially in Florida


Various species worldwide, often near freshwater


Equatorial Africa, forests and savannas


Worldwide, commonly kept as pets and working animals

Top Happiest Animals in the World

Given below is a brief of the Top 10 Happiest Animals on Earth. Let us take a look:

1. Quokkas

The quokka is a little mammal that is endemic to Australia. It is considered to be the “happiest animal on earth” because of its face which is so adorable and its friendly and accessible personality. Whenever you come across a photograph of a quokka, you will frequently notice that they are smiling. The only places where you can often find these lovely critters are in remote woodlands and on small islands.


The quokka is a small animal that only lives in Australia. People think of it as the “happiest animal on earth” because it looks like it’s always smiling and is very friendly.

2. Goats

Goats, whether they are wild mountain goats or domestic farm goats, are among the happiest creatures on earth. This is true regardless of the species. Goats are in such a relaxed state of mind that they are now being utilized in therapy in the form of workshops such as “goat yoga.” Goats are considered to be rather stupid and crazy.


Goats are super happy animals, whether they’re out in the wild climbing mountains or hanging out on farms. They’re so laid-back and joyful that there are even yoga classes where goats join in, called “goat yoga.” Even though some folks might say goats are a bit goofy or wild, they’re actually really awesome creatures.

3. Laughing kookaburras

Laughing kookaburras are special birds that live in Australia. They’re known for making sounds that are a lot like human laughter. These birds laugh so much that their cheerful noises are a common sound in the Australian wild.

Laughing Kookaburrast

When they start laughing, they tilt their heads back, open their beaks really wide, and let out their famous laugh. What’s even more fun is that when one kookaburra starts laughing, often its family or other kookaburras in the area join in, creating a big chorus of laughter. It’s like they’re having a big laugh party in the trees

4. Squirrels

Squirrels are clever little animals that can live in cities and towns just as well as they can in the countryside. They spend a lot of their time hiding food in the ground, chasing each other around, and leaping from one tree to another. They’re always on the move and seem really happy being busy all the time.


Squirrels are energetic creatures that make their homes in both busy cities and quiet suburbs, showing just how adaptable they are. They’re always busy doing something, whether it’s burying nuts and seeds to eat later, playing chase with other squirrels, or skillfully hopping between branches high up in the trees. It’s rare to see a squirrel sitting still; they’re constantly on the go. Despite their busy lifestyle, squirrels seem to enjoy every moment of it, living their lives with a lot of joy and enthusiasm.

5. Donkeys

Donkeys are friendly animals who don’t like being alone. They are happiest when they have company, either from people or other animals. Even though some people think donkeys are stubborn, they’re actually very smart. They enjoy having fun and are very easy to get along with. Every day, donkeys find ways to enjoy life and make the best of their time.


6. Dolphins

Dolphins, especially bottlenose dolphins, are very happy and friendly animals. They like to stick together in groups and swim in patterns that match with their dolphin friends. Dolphins are some of the smartest animals out there. They’re really good at talking to each other to stop any arguments before they start.


They love to play and can often be seen jumping out of the water or riding waves for fun. Dolphins also use special sounds to talk to each other and work together to find food.

7. Manatees

Manatees are gentle and peaceful animals that live in the water. They are known for being very friendly. They often swim close to people who are diving and seem to like getting belly rubs from them. Manatees can even come up and “kiss” humans. They do this because they can’t see very well and use their sense of taste to know who is around them. This is just their way of saying hello and getting to know someone.


These “kisses” from manatees are a special way they explore their surroundings and make new friends. They’re curious creatures, always interested in gently interacting with people and other manatees. Their calm nature and friendly behavior make them one of the most lovable animals in the water.

8. Otter

Otters are full of joy, love to laugh, are curious, and enjoy playing tricks. They make squealing and gurgling sounds to show they’re happy and having fun, especially when they’re playing in the water. They are very active animals.


Otters are known for their playful nature, often seen sliding down riverbanks or juggling small stones. They love to swim around and can often be found floating on their backs, relaxing or eating. Their playful sounds and actions show just how much they enjoy life in the water.

9. Chimpanzees

They play, laugh, and hug each other to express their joy and affection, much like humans do. Chimpanzees also use facial expressions and sounds to communicate their feelings to others in their group. They enjoy socializing and working together, whether it’s gathering food or solving problems. This strong sense of community and their ability to share emotions make them one of the happiest creatures on earth.


10. Dog

Dogs are really good at showing love to their owners, which makes them super happy animals. They feel very happy and comfortable around people, and they make strong friendships with them. Dogs get excited and happy about simple things. They wag their tails, jump around, and give lots of licks to show they’re happy and love their human friends. They’re always ready to play or cuddle, making everyone around them feel good too.


Dogs give their owners a great deal of love and affection, making them among the happiest creatures. They have a high level of happiness and contentment, and they also create deep ties with people.

Why Animals Play

Animals love to play for lots of reasons, just like we do! Here are some of the main ones:

Having Fun and Practicing

Playing is enjoyable for animals, just as it is for us. It helps them relax and have a good time. But it’s not only about having fun! Play also helps them practice important skills they’ll need later on in life.

  • Predators: For instance, lion cubs may chase each other and pretend to hunt. This helps them practice their hunting skills, which they’ll use to catch food when they’re older.
  • Prey: On the flip side, baby deer might run and leap around. This helps them become skilled at moving swiftly and evading predators.

Learning and Growing

Playtime helps animals learn new things and improve their abilities. For example, puppies play-wrestling with each other learn essential social skills such as how to communicate and get along with others.

Making Friends

Playing together helps animals form bonds and friendships. This is important for both social animals like monkeys and solitary animals like cats. Even though cats enjoy being alone sometimes, they still like playing with their friends and siblings when they’re young.


We have checked out the Top 10 Happiest Animals on Earth with many different manifestations of happiness may be found within the rich tapestry that is the animal kingdom. Every living thing indeed brings its special kind of happiness into the world, from the infectious grins of the quokka to the soothing presence of goats. 

In the domain of animals, there are many different ways that happiness may be expressed, and the laughter of kookaburras, the playful antics of otters, and the friendly behaviors of dolphins are all examples of this. 

The flexibility of squirrels and the kind disposition of manatees are just two examples of the many ways in which pleasure can be expressed. These creatures serve as a tribute to the beauty of nature’s creations and the numerous ways in which happiness can be expressed.

Top 10 Happiest Animals in the World (Cutest Creatures on Earth) – FAQs

What are the top 10 happiest animals in the world?

The top 10 happiest animal in the world are: 1. Quokka, 2. Goats , 3. Laughing kookaburras, 4. Squirrels , 5. Donkeys, 6. Dolphins, 7. Manatees, 8. Otter , 9. Chimpanzees, 10. Dog.

Which animal is always happy?

The quokka, a small marsupial native to Australia, is one such example of a species vulnerable to extinction in the country’s harsh surroundings. Known as the “happiest animal in the world” due to its cute and friendly appearance, these creatures are now only found in a few isolated forests and small islands.

Are quokkas the happiest animals?

Quokkas are often dubbed the happiest animals due to their seemingly smiling expressions and friendly demeanor. However, happiness in animals is subjective, and various species exhibit joy in unique ways.

Can goats be used in therapy sessions like ‘goat yoga’?

Yes, goats are known for their silly and goofy behavior, making them popular in therapeutic settings like ‘goat yoga,’ where their presence adds a sense of relaxation and joy.

Do laughing kookaburras really laugh?

Yes, laughing kookaburras are known for their distinctive laughing sound. Their vocalizations are a unique part of their behavior and are often heard in the Australian bush.

Why are squirrels considered happy animals?

Squirrels are adaptable and energetic creatures, always on the move. Their playful behaviors, including chasing friends and leaping between trees, contribute to the perception of their content and active nature.

Why do manatees approach divers and ‘kiss’ humans?

Manatees are known for their friendly and calm nature. Their approach to divers for belly rubs and ‘kissing’ may be a result of their near-sightedness, as they use touch and taste to recognize others.

Where can one find quokkas in the wild?

Quokkas are native to Australia and are typically found in isolated forests and small islands. They are known for their limited distribution, particularly on Rottnest Island in Western Australia.

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