Hangman Game in C++

With friends, many of us had played the hangman game where one player gave a hint to the other to make a correct guess of a particular thing. Here a simple representation of the game ‘Hangman’ is done using C++ programming language. The player will guess the fruit’s name and the Computer will give a hint to the player to make the correct guess.


Rules of Hangman Game

Here are some of the basic rules of the game listed below:

  • The player needs to guess the word which is picked randomly by the computer one letter at a time.
  • If the letter guessed is correct, then the computer will reveal the position of that letter on the word.
  • If the letter guessed is incorrect then, the number of attempts will be decreased.
  • The Player will win if he writes the entire word correctly within the given number of attempts.
  • If the player is unable to guess the word, he will lose.

Components of the Program

The following functions are used in the program to work for the different components of the game:

  • HangmanGame(): This Constructor is used for initializing the Game. This constructor randomly picks any word from the list already written in the code and initializes the number of attempts as 6.
  • play(): This function manages different things such as player guesses, information, the correct state of the game and displaying the hangman drawing.
  • getRandomWord(): This function is used to pick the random word from the predefined list. This function uses the rand() function to get the random index.
  • already guessed checks(): This function returns true and false if the player has already guessed the letter or not.
  • drawHangman(): This function draws step-by-step the picture of a hangman by considering the number of attempts left. If the number of attempts is 6 no picture will be shown and if the number of attempts is 0. Full Hangman is drawn.

C++ Program for Hangman Game


// C++ program to implement the hangman game
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// define maximum number of incorrect attempts
#define MAX_ATTEMPTS 6
using namespace std;
// main class
class HangmanGame {
    // constructor to ini
        srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(nullptr)));
        secretWord = getRandomWord();
        currentWord = string(secretWord.length(), '_');
        attemptsLeft = MAX_ATTEMPTS;
    // function to start the game.
    void play()
        cout << "Welcome to Hangman!" << endl;
        cout << "Category: Fruits" << endl;
        cout << "You have " << attemptsLeft
             << " attempts to guess the fruit name."
             << endl;
        // the main game loop which will go on till the
        // attempts are left or the game is won.
        while (attemptsLeft > 0) {
            char guess;
            cout << "Guess a letter: ";
            cin >> guess;
            if (isalpha(guess)) {
                guess = tolower(guess);
                if (alreadyGuessed(guess)) {
                    cout << "You've already guessed that "
                         << endl;
                else {
                    bool correctGuess
                        = updateCurrentWord(guess);
                    // if the guess is correct, we will
                    // update the word and check if the word
                    // is completely guessed or not
                    if (correctGuess) {
                        cout << "Good guess!" << endl;
                        // if the word is completely
                        // guessed.
                        if (currentWord == secretWord) {
                            cout << "Congratulations! You "
                                    "guessed the word: "
                                 << secretWord << endl;
                    else {
                        cout << "Incorrect guess." << endl;
            else {
                cout << "Please enter a valid letter."
                     << endl;
        if (attemptsLeft == 0) {
            cout << "You've run out of attempts. The word "
                    "was: "
                 << secretWord << endl;
    string secretWord;
    string currentWord;
    int attemptsLeft;
    vector<char> guessedLetters;
    // select random word from the predefined word
    string getRandomWord()
        vector<string> words
            = { "apple", "banana", "cherry", "grape",
                "kiwi" };
        int index = rand() % words.size();
        return words[index];
    // checking if the word is already guessed
    bool alreadyGuessed(char letter)
        return find(guessedLetters.begin(),
                    guessedLetters.end(), letter)
               != guessedLetters.end();
    // updating the word after correct guess
    bool updateCurrentWord(char letter)
        bool correctGuess = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < secretWord.length(); i++) {
            if (secretWord[i] == letter) {
                currentWord[i] = letter;
                correctGuess = true;
        return correctGuess;
    // function to provide the info at particular point in
    // the game
    void displayGameInfo()
        cout << "Word: " << currentWord << endl;
        cout << "Attempts left: " << attemptsLeft << endl;
        cout << "Guessed letters: ";
        for (char letter : guessedLetters) {
            cout << letter << " ";
        cout << endl;
    // function to progressively draw the hangman
    void drawHangman(int attemptsLeft)
        // Add your hangman drawing logic here
        // For simplicity, you can print a static hangman
        // ASCII art Modify this function to display the
        // hangman as you like
        if (attemptsLeft == 5) {
            cout << "   _____" << endl;
            cout << "  |     |" << endl;
            cout << "  |     O" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
        else if (attemptsLeft == 4) {
            cout << "   _____" << endl;
            cout << "  |     |" << endl;
            cout << "  |     O" << endl;
            cout << "  |     |" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
        else if (attemptsLeft == 3) {
            cout << "   _____" << endl;
            cout << "  |     |" << endl;
            cout << "  |     O" << endl;
            cout << "  |    /|" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
        else if (attemptsLeft == 2) {
            cout << "   _____" << endl;
            cout << "  |     |" << endl;
            cout << "  |     O" << endl;
            cout << "  |    /|\\" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
        else if (attemptsLeft == 1) {
            cout << "   _____" << endl;
            cout << "  |     |" << endl;
            cout << "  |     O" << endl;
            cout << "  |    /|\\" << endl;
            cout << "  |    /" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
        else if (attemptsLeft == 0) {
            cout << "   _____" << endl;
            cout << "  |     |" << endl;
            cout << "  |     O" << endl;
            cout << "  |    /|\\" << endl;
            cout << "  |    / \\" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
            cout << "  |" << endl;
// driver code
int main()
    HangmanGame game;
    return 0;


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