Handwritten Digit Recognition using Neural Network


Handwritten digit recognition using MNIST dataset is a major project made with the help of Neural Network. It basically detects the scanned images of handwritten digits. 

We have taken this a step further where our handwritten digit recognition system not only detects scanned images of handwritten digits but also allows writing digits on the screen with the help of an integrated GUI for recognition. 


We will approach this project by using a three-layered Neural Network. 

  • The input layer: It distributes the features of our examples to the next layer for calculation of activations of the next layer.
  • The hidden layer: They are made of hidden units called activations providing nonlinear ties for the network. A number of hidden layers can vary according to our requirements.
  • The output layer: The nodes here are called output units. It provides us with the final prediction of the Neural Network on the basis of which final predictions can be made.

A neural network is a model inspired by how the brain works. It consists of multiple layers having many activations, this activation resembles neurons of our brain. A neural network tries to learn a set of parameters in a set of data which could help to recognize the underlying relationships. Neural networks can adapt to changing input; so the network generates the best possible result without needing to redesign the output criteria.


We have implemented a Neural Network with 1 hidden layer having 100 activation units (excluding bias units). The data is loaded from a .mat file, features(X) and labels(y) were extracted. Then features are divided by 255 to rescale them into a range of [0,1] to avoid overflow during computation. Data is split up into 60,000 training and 10,000 testing examples. Feedforward is performed with the training set for calculating the hypothesis and then backpropagation is done in order to reduce the error between the layers. The regularization parameter lambda is set to 0.1 to address the problem of overfitting. Optimizer is run for 70 iterations to find the best fit model. 

Layers of  Neural Network


  • Save all .py files in the same directory.
  • Download dataset from Kaggle.


Importing all the required libraries, extract the data from mnist-original.mat file. Then features and labels will be separated from extracted data. After that data will be split into training (60,000) and testing (10,000) examples. Randomly initialize Thetas in the range of [-0.15, +0.15] to break symmetry and get better results. Further, the optimizer is called for the training of weights, to minimize the cost function for appropriate predictions. We have used the “minimize” optimizer from “scipy.optimize” library with “L-BFGS-B” method. We have calculated the test, the “training set accuracy and precision using “predict” function.


from scipy.io import loadmat
import numpy as np
from Model import neural_network
from RandInitialize import initialise
from Prediction import predict
from scipy.optimize import minimize
# Loading mat file
data = loadmat('mnist-original.mat')
# Extracting features from mat file
X = data['data']
X = X.transpose()
# Normalizing the data
X = X / 255
# Extracting labels from mat file
y = data['label']
y = y.flatten()
# Splitting data into training set with 60,000 examples
X_train = X[:60000, :]
y_train = y[:60000]
# Splitting data into testing set with 10,000 examples
X_test = X[60000:, :]
y_test = y[60000:]
m = X.shape[0]
input_layer_size = 784  # Images are of (28 X 28) px so there will be 784 features
hidden_layer_size = 100
num_labels = 10  # There are 10 classes [0, 9]
# Randomly initialising Thetas
initial_Theta1 = initialise(hidden_layer_size, input_layer_size)
initial_Theta2 = initialise(num_labels, hidden_layer_size)
# Unrolling parameters into a single column vector
initial_nn_params = np.concatenate((initial_Theta1.flatten(), initial_Theta2.flatten()))
maxiter = 100
lambda_reg = 0.1  # To avoid overfitting
myargs = (input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, num_labels, X_train, y_train, lambda_reg)
# Calling minimize function to minimize cost function and to train weights
results = minimize(neural_network, x0=initial_nn_params, args=myargs, 
          options={'disp': True, 'maxiter': maxiter}, method="L-BFGS-B", jac=True)
nn_params = results["x"# Trained Theta is extracted
# Weights are split back to Theta1, Theta2
Theta1 = np.reshape(nn_params[:hidden_layer_size * (input_layer_size + 1)], (
                              hidden_layer_size, input_layer_size + 1))  # shape = (100, 785)
Theta2 = np.reshape(nn_params[hidden_layer_size * (input_layer_size + 1):], 
                      (num_labels, hidden_layer_size + 1))  # shape = (10, 101)
# Checking test set accuracy of our model
pred = predict(Theta1, Theta2, X_test)
print('Test Set Accuracy: {:f}'.format((np.mean(pred == y_test) * 100)))
# Checking train set accuracy of our model
pred = predict(Theta1, Theta2, X_train)
print('Training Set Accuracy: {:f}'.format((np.mean(pred == y_train) * 100)))
# Evaluating precision of our model
true_positive = 0
for i in range(len(pred)):
    if pred[i] == y_train[i]:
        true_positive += 1
false_positive = len(y_train) - true_positive
print('Precision =', true_positive/(true_positive + false_positive))
# Saving Thetas in .txt file
np.savetxt('Theta1.txt', Theta1, delimiter=' ')
np.savetxt('Theta2.txt', Theta2, delimiter=' ')


It randomly initializes theta between a range of [-epsilon, +epsilon].


import numpy as np
def initialise(a, b):
    epsilon = 0.15
    c = np.random.rand(a, b + 1) * (
      # Randomly initialises values of thetas between [-epsilon, +epsilon]
      2 * epsilon) - epsilon  
    return c


The function performs feed-forward and backpropagation. 

  • Forward propagation: Input data is fed in the forward direction through the network. Each hidden layer accepts the input data, processes it as per the activation function and passes it to the successive layer. We will use the sigmoid function as our “activation function”.
  • Backward propagation: It is the practice of fine-tuning the weights of a neural net based on the error rate obtained in the previous iteration.

It also calculates cross-entropy costs for checking the errors between the prediction and original values. In the end, the gradient is calculated for the optimization objective.   


import numpy as np
def neural_network(nn_params, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, num_labels, X, y, lamb):
    # Weights are split back to Theta1, Theta2
    Theta1 = np.reshape(nn_params[:hidden_layer_size * (input_layer_size + 1)],
                        (hidden_layer_size, input_layer_size + 1))
    Theta2 = np.reshape(nn_params[hidden_layer_size * (input_layer_size + 1):], 
                        (num_labels, hidden_layer_size + 1))
    # Forward propagation
    m = X.shape[0]
    one_matrix = np.ones((m, 1))
    X = np.append(one_matrix, X, axis=1# Adding bias unit to first layer
    a1 = X
    z2 = np.dot(X, Theta1.transpose())
    a2 = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z2))  # Activation for second layer
    one_matrix = np.ones((m, 1))
    a2 = np.append(one_matrix, a2, axis=1# Adding bias unit to hidden layer
    z3 = np.dot(a2, Theta2.transpose())
    a3 = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z3))  # Activation for third layer
    # Changing the y labels into vectors of boolean values.
    # For each label between 0 and 9, there will be a vector of length 10
    # where the ith element will be 1 if the label equals i
    y_vect = np.zeros((m, 10))
    for i in range(m):
        y_vect[i, int(y[i])] = 1
    # Calculating cost function
    J = (1 / m) * (np.sum(np.sum(-y_vect * np.log(a3) - (1 - y_vect) * np.log(1 - a3)))) + (lamb / (2 * m)) * (
                sum(sum(pow(Theta1[:, 1:], 2))) + sum(sum(pow(Theta2[:, 1:], 2))))
    # backprop
    Delta3 = a3 - y_vect
    Delta2 = np.dot(Delta3, Theta2) * a2 * (1 - a2)
    Delta2 = Delta2[:, 1:]
    # gradient
    Theta1[:, 0] = 0
    Theta1_grad = (1 / m) * np.dot(Delta2.transpose(), a1) + (lamb / m) * Theta1
    Theta2[:, 0] = 0
    Theta2_grad = (1 / m) * np.dot(Delta3.transpose(), a2) + (lamb / m) * Theta2
    grad = np.concatenate((Theta1_grad.flatten(), Theta2_grad.flatten()))
    return J, grad


It performs forward propagation to predict the digit.


import numpy as np
def predict(Theta1, Theta2, X):
    m = X.shape[0]
    one_matrix = np.ones((m, 1))
    X = np.append(one_matrix, X, axis=1# Adding bias unit to first layer
    z2 = np.dot(X, Theta1.transpose())
    a2 = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z2))  # Activation for second layer
    one_matrix = np.ones((m, 1))
    a2 = np.append(one_matrix, a2, axis=1# Adding bias unit to hidden layer
    z3 = np.dot(a2, Theta2.transpose())
    a3 = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z3))  # Activation for third layer
    p = (np.argmax(a3, axis=1))  # Predicting the class on the basis of max value of hypothesis
    return p


It launches a GUI for writing digits. The image of the digit is stored in the same directory after converting it to grayscale and reducing the size to (28 X 28) pixels. 


from tkinter import *
import numpy as np
from PIL import ImageGrab
from Prediction import predict
window = Tk()
window.title("Handwritten digit recognition")
l1 = Label()
def MyProject():
    global l1
    widget = cv
    # Setting co-ordinates of canvas
    x = window.winfo_rootx() + widget.winfo_x()
    y = window.winfo_rooty() + widget.winfo_y()
    x1 = x + widget.winfo_width()
    y1 = y + widget.winfo_height()
    # Image is captured from canvas and is resized to (28 X 28) px
    img = ImageGrab.grab().crop((x, y, x1, y1)).resize((28, 28))
    # Converting rgb to grayscale image
    img = img.convert('L')
    # Extracting pixel matrix of image and converting it to a vector of (1, 784)
    x = np.asarray(img)
    vec = np.zeros((1, 784))
    k = 0
    for i in range(28):
        for j in range(28):
            vec[0][k] = x[i][j]
            k += 1
    # Loading Thetas
    Theta1 = np.loadtxt('Theta1.txt')
    Theta2 = np.loadtxt('Theta2.txt')
    # Calling function for prediction
    pred = predict(Theta1, Theta2, vec / 255)
    # Displaying the result
    l1 = Label(window, text="Digit = " + str(pred[0]), font=('Algerian', 20))
    l1.place(x=230, y=420)
lastx, lasty = None, None
# Clears the canvas
def clear_widget():
    global cv, l1
# Activate canvas
def event_activation(event):
    global lastx, lasty
    cv.bind('<B1-Motion>', draw_lines)
    lastx, lasty = event.x, event.y
# To draw on canvas
def draw_lines(event):
    global lastx, lasty
    x, y = event.x, event.y
    cv.create_line((lastx, lasty, x, y), width=30, fill='white', capstyle=ROUND, smooth=TRUE, splinesteps=12)
    lastx, lasty = x, y
# Label
L1 = Label(window, text="Handwritten Digit Recoginition", font=('Algerian', 25), fg="blue")
L1.place(x=35, y=10)
# Button to clear canvas
b1 = Button(window, text="1. Clear Canvas", font=('Algerian', 15), bg="orange", fg="black", command=clear_widget)
b1.place(x=120, y=370)
# Button to predict digit drawn on canvas
b2 = Button(window, text="2. Prediction", font=('Algerian', 15), bg="white", fg="red", command=MyProject)
b2.place(x=320, y=370)
# Setting properties of canvas
cv = Canvas(window, width=350, height=290, bg='black')
cv.place(x=120, y=70)
cv.bind('<Button-1>', event_activation)


Training set accuracy of 99.440000%

Test set accuracy of 97.320000%  

Precision of 0.9944


This article is contributed by: 

  1. Utkarsh Shaw (https://auth.w3wiki.net/user/utkarshshaw/profile)
  2. Tania (https://auth.w3wiki.net/user/taniachanana02/profile)
  3. Rishab Mamgai (https://auth.w3wiki.net/user/rishabmamgai/profile)

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