
Halogenation is a chemical process that involves adding halogen atoms into compounds. This reaction is common in organic chemistry and has diverse applications, from making drugs to flame retardants.

In this article, we will discuss about Definition of Halogenation, Types of Halogenation Reactions, Examples, and Others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Halogenation?
  • Types of Halogenation Reactions
  • Mechanism of Halogenation
  • Halogenation of Different Organic Compounds
  • Factors Affecting Halogenation
  • Applications of Halogenation

What is Halogenation?

Halogenation is a chemical reaction that involves the introduction of one or more halogen atoms into a compound, replacing other atoms such as hydrogen. This reaction is common in organic and inorganic chemistry and can occur through various pathways, including free radical halogenation, ketone halogenation, electrophilic halogenation, and halogen addition reactions.

Halogens or Halides are elements in group 17 of the periodic table, which includes fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), and astatine (At). These elements are highly reactive and easily form bonds with other elements.

Definition of Halogenation

Halogenation is a chemical reaction in which two or more halogen atoms are added to a compound. The halogen atom is introduced by replacing other atoms like hydrogen.

Types of Halogenation Reactions

There are several types of halogenation reactions, which can be classified based on the nature of the substrate and the halogenating agent used. The main types of halogenation reactions include,

  • Radical Halogenation
  • Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Halogenation

Let’s learn more about Halogenation Reaction in detail.

Radical Halogenation

Regioselectivity of Radical Halogenation of Cl2 and Br2 are shown in the image added below,

Both halogens (Chlorine and Bromine) follow the same pattern reacting more readily at the more substituted carbon. However, bromination is more selective.

Radical Halogenation is a type of halogenation reaction that involves the substitution of hydrogen atoms in an organic compound by halogen atoms through a free radical chain mechanism. This reaction is typical of alkanes and alkyl-substituted aromatics and requires energy input in the form of heat or light to initiate the reaction.

Halogenating agent is usually a halogen molecule, such as chlorine or bromine, which splits into two radicals upon heating, forming a couple of free radicals. The reaction proceeds through three steps: initiation, propagation, and termination. The reactivity of the halogens decreases in the order F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2, with fluorine being the most reactive and iodine being the least reactive.

Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution of Halogenation

Electrophilic aromatic halogenation is a type of electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction that involves the introduction of a halogen atom into an aromatic compound. This reaction typically follows three steps: activation of the electrophile by a Lewis acid catalyst, attack of the activated electrophile by the aromatic ring, and deprotonation to regenerate the aromatic ring.

Aromatic compounds like benzene undergo this reaction with halogens like chlorine, bromine, and iodine, typically requiring a Lewis acid catalyst such as AlCl3, FeCl3, FeBr3, or ZnCl2. The reactivity of the halogens in this reaction follows the order F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2, with fluorine being the most reactive and iodine being the least reactive. The mechanism of electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions, including halogenation, involves a two-step process, forming a sigma bond to the benzene ring followed by deprotonation to yield the substituted benzene ring.

Mechanism of Halogenation

Mechanism of halogenation takes place in two types,

  • Radical Halogenation Mechanism
  • Electrophilic Addition in Alkene Halogenation

Let’s learn about them in detail.

Radical Halogenation Mechanism

Mechanism of free radical halogenation involves a chain reaction that proceeds through three steps: initiation, propagation, and termination.

  • Initiation: In the initiation step, the halogen molecule splits into two radicals upon heating or irradiation, forming a couple of free radicals.
  • Propagation: In the propagation step, the free radical reacts with the organic compound, forming a new radical and a halogenated product. The new radical reacts with another halogen molecule, forming another halogenated product and regenerating the original free radical.
  • Termination: In the termination step, two free radicals combine to form a non-radical product, terminating the chain reaction.

Halogenating agent is usually a halogen molecule, such as chlorine or bromine, which splits into two radicals upon heating, forming a couple of free radicals. The reactivity of the halogens in this reaction follows the order F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2, with fluorine being the most reactive and iodine being the least reactive. The halogenation of alkanes is an essential example of radical halogenation.

Electrophilic Addition in Alkene Halogenation

Electrophilic addition in alkene halogenation is a reaction where halogens, such as bromine or chlorine, act as electrophiles and attack the double bond of an alkene. The reaction proceeds through a two-step mechanism: the first step involves the formation of a cyclic intermediate, while the second step involves the attack of a halide ion on the intermediate to form the halogenated alkane.

Reaction is stereospecific and produces vicinal dihalides with anti-addition. The reaction is typically carried out in an inert solvent, such as CCl4, and requires a halogen molecule, such as Br2 or Cl2, as the halogenating agent. The reactivity of the halogens in this reaction follows the order F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2, with fluorine being too vigorous and explosive and iodine being too slow due to the size of its atom. The halogenation of ethylene with Br2 is a common example of electrophilic addition in alkene halogenation.

Halogenation of Different Organic Compounds

Halogenation of organic compounds is an important transformation in organic synthesis, with various applications in producing polymers and drugs. The reaction can be achieved using elemental halogens (X2), hydrogen halides (HX), and specialized reagents like thionyl chloride. The nature of the substrate determines the specific halogenation pathway, and the reactivity of the halogenating agents influences the overall process.

Halogenation of Alkanes

Halogenation in alkanes is a chemical reaction that involves the replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms in an alkane by halogen atoms such as fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine. The reaction can occur through free radical halogenation, initiated by heat or light, and proceeds through a chain reaction mechanism involving initiation, propagation, and termination steps.

Here’s general equation is,

RX + X2 → R-X + HX

Halogenation in Alkanes is a substitution reaction, where a C-X bond replaces a C-H bond, and the relative reactivity of the substrate’s hydrogen atoms influences the reaction’s regiochemistry. The halogenation of alkanes is an essential transformation in organic synthesis, with various applications in producing halogenated solvents, refrigerants, and flame retardants. The reaction can be controlled by adjusting the conditions, such as the halogenating agent, temperature, and pressure.

Halogenation of Alkenes and Alkynes

Halogenation of alkenes and alkynes is a chemical reaction that involves the addition of one or more halogen atoms to the carbon-carbon double or triple bond. The reaction proceeds through electrophilic addition, where the pi bond of the alkene or alkyne acts as a nucleophile and attacks the halogen molecule, forming a cyclic halonium ion intermediate. The intermediate then undergoes nucleophilic attack by another halide ion, forming a vicinal dihalide product.

Halogenation of Alkenes:


Product’s stereochemistry depends on the reaction’s mechanism, which can be syn or anti-addition. The halogenation of alkynes is similar to that of alkenes, but the reaction is slower due to the higher stability of the triple bond. Halogenation of alkenes and alkynes is a valuable transformation in organic synthesis resulting in formation of Alkyl Halide, with various applications in producing halogenated solvents, pharmaceuticals, and agrochemicals.

Halogen Substitution or Free Radical Halogenation

Halogen substitution, also known as free radical halogenation, is a type of halogenation reaction in which a halogen atom replaces a hydrogen atom in an organic compound. This reaction is typical of alkanes and alkyl-substituted aromatics and proceeds by a free-radical chain mechanism.

Electrophilic Substitution Reaction or Halogenation of Aromatic Compounds

Halogenation of aromatic compounds is a type of electrophilic substitution reaction in which a hydrogen atom on an aromatic ring is replaced by a halogen atom. This reaction is typical of benzene and its derivatives and requires a Lewis acid catalyst, such as AlCl3, FeCl3, FeBr3, or ZnCl2, to activate the halogen and make it a strong electrophile.

The reaction proceeds through three steps:

  • Activation of the electrophile by the catalyst.
  • Attack of the activated electrophile on the aromatic ring.
  • Deprotonation to regenerate the aromatic ring.

Halogenation of Benzene

Halogenation of benzene is an electrophilic substitution reaction that occurs in the presence of a catalyst, such as aluminum chloride or iron (III) bromide. Benzene reacts with chlorine or bromine, replacing one of the hydrogen atoms on the ring with a chlorine or bromine atom. The reactions happen at room temperature. Iron is usually used as a catalyst because it is cheaper and more readily available.

Halogenation Mechanism Benzene involves the formation of an electrophile, which attacks the benzene ring. The halogenation of methylbenzene can result in substitution into the ring or the methyl group, depending on the conditions.

Halogenation of Benzene:

C6H6 + X2 (MX3) → C6H5X + HX


  • X is Halogen (Chlorine or Bromine)
  • MX3 is Catalyst (FeBr3 or AlCl3).

This reaction results in substitution of one of hydrogen atoms on benzene ring by a halogen atom, with the formation of hydrogen halide as a byproduct. The specific halogen used will determine the halogenated product.

Significance of Halogenation Reactions

Importance of halogenation reactions is as follows:

  • Chemical Synthesis: Halogenation reactions are vital in both bulk and fine chemical synthesis, contributing to the production of a wide range of compounds used in various industries.
  • Scope in Synthetic Chemistry: Halogenation reactions have a broad scope of use in synthetic chemistry, allowing for the creation of diverse organic compounds.
  • Industrial Applications: Halogenation reactions are crucial in the production of polymers, drugs, medical components, and industrial goods, highlighting their industrial significance.
  • Reactivity and Substrate Dependence: The reactivity of halogens and the nature of the substrate molecule being halogenated influence the halogenation process, making it a versatile tool in chemical transformations.

Factors Affecting Halogenation

Several factors can affect organic compounds’ halogenation, including the choice of halogen and solvent, temperature and catalyst. Some critical factors affecting halogenation are:

Choice of Halogen and Solvent

Choice of halogen and solvent can affect halogenation of organic compounds. Reactivity of halogens decreases in order of F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2, with fluorine and chlorine being more aggressive halogenating agents than bromine and iodine being the least reactive. The choice of solvent can also affect the halogenation reaction.

For example, more polar solvents weaken hydrogen bonding in solution and favor softer halogen bonding, while less polar solvents favor hydrogen-bonded co-crystal. The choice of solvent can also direct the exclusive formation of either the hydrogen-bonded or the halogen-bonded co-crystals. The choice of halogen and solvent can influence the halogenation reaction’s rate, success, and regiochemistry.

Reactivity of the halogen and the choice of solvent can affect the formation of co-crystals and the strength of intermolecular bonding interactions.

Temperature and Catalysts

Temperature and catalysts are also important factors affecting halogenation. Halogenation Reaction typically requires energy input from heat or light to initiate the reaction. Temperature can affect rate and selectivity of reaction, with higher temperatures favoring formation of more highly halogenated products. Catalysts can also facilitate the halogenation reaction, such as in the electrophilic halogenation of alkenes and alkynes.

For example, Iron(III) Chloride can be used as a catalyst for the electrophilic halogenation of benzene with chlorine. Temperature and catalysts can affect the halogenation reaction’s rate, selectivity, and success.

Applications of Halogenation

Halogenation has various applications in the production of polymers, drugs, and other chemical products. Some examples of halogenation applications include:

  • Chlorination: Chlorination is used to produce chlorinated solvents, refrigerants, and flame retardants.
  • Bromination: Bromination is used to produce brominated solvents and pharmaceuticals.
  • Fluorination: Fluorination is used to produce organofluorine compounds, which are highly stable and resistant to dehydrohalogenation.
  • Iodination: Iodination is used to produce iodoorganic compounds, which are less reactive than other halogens but can be easily removed from organic compounds.

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Halogenation Frequently Asked Questions

What is Halogenation?

Halogenation is such chemical reaction where halogen atom is replaced with another substance, wherein it ends up as a part of that substance or a compound.

What are Types of Halogenation?

Types of Halogenation are,

  • Free Radical Halogenation
  • Addition Reaction Halogenation
  • Aromatics Halogenation

What is Halogenation of Benzene?

In halogination of benzene, benzene reacts with halogens in the presence of Lewis acid like FeCl3, FeBr3 to form aryl halides.

How Does Halogenation Differ for Various Organic Compounds?

Halogenation methods differ based on the organic compound. Alkanes undergo radical halogenation, alkenes and alkynes experience electrophilic addition, and aromatic compounds undergo electrophilic aromatic substitution.

What are Common By-products of Halogenation Reactions?

Common by-products include hydrogen halides (HX), regioisomers, and unintended isomers, depending on the specific type of halogenation and the reactants involved.

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