Greek Civilization – When did it Begin and End?

Ancient Greece is often hailed as the cradle of Western civilization. Flourishing from 1200 BCE to 323 BCE, Ancient Greece was divided into several city states with their own set of political and cultural values. The Greek Civilization has left a lasting and permanent mark on the world through its contributions in philosophy, mythology, literature, art and culture and politics. Some examples of the contributions of Ancient Greece to the world include the birth of democracy in Athens, Homer’s famous poems ‘The Iliad’ and ‘The Odyssey’, philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and mathematicians like Pythagoras and Euclid and their famous theorems.

When did Greek Civilization start?

According to scholars, the Mycenaean Civilization marked the start of Greek culture and civilization. It originated around 1600 BCE, on the island of Crete. It was a prosperous civilization and flourished until 1200 BCE.

The Ancient Greek Civilization, that followed the Mycenaean Civilization, flourished from 1200 BCE to 323 BCE (the death of Alexander, the Great). It was a period of political, cultural, philosophical and scientific achievements.

Which Sea is to the East of Greek Civilization?

The Ancient Greece Civilization was located in southeast Europe with the Aegean Sea to its east. The Greek Civilization did not develop in a river valley unlike many other ancient civilizations. It was surrounded by water with the Aegean Sea to its east, Mediterranean Sea to its south and Ionian Sea to its west.

What was the First True Civilization among the Greek People?

The first true civilization among the Greek people was the Mycenaean Civilization. It originated in the Bronze Age from around 1600 BCE to 1200 BCE. It was a prosperous civilization on the island of Crete.

The period between the Mycenaean Civilization and the death of Alexander the Great is known as the Ancient Greek Civilization. It flourished from 1200 BCE to 323 BCE. It significantly influenced Western culture in all aspects- politics, philosophy, art and culture.

The duration of the Ancient Greek Civilization can be further divided into different periods.

  • The Dark Ages from 1200 BCE to 900 BCE
  • The Geometric Period from 900 BCE to 700 BCE
  • The Orientalizing Period from 700 BCE to 600 BCE
  • Archaic Greece from 600 BCE to 480 BCE
  • Classical Greece from 480 BCE to 323 BCE
  • Hellenistic Greece from 323 BCE to 31 BCE

What impact did Greek Mythology have on later Civilizations?

Greek mythology has a lasting and profound impact on later civilizations. Some of the ways in which this impact lasted are as follows:

  • The Roman Empire was the next empire that came up after the decline of the Greek civilization. The Romans were heavily influenced by Greek mythologies. They adapted the myths of the Greeks and gave the Greek gods and goddesses Latin names. For example, Zeus became Jupiter and Hera became Juno.
  • During the Renaissance, there was a revival of influence of Greek mythology. Writers, painters and sculptors were inspired by Greek art and culture and created a number of masterpieces. Some examples of Greek culture in Renaissance art include Paolo Veronese’s painting “Mars and Venus” and Pollaiolo’s engraving “Heracles and Antaeus”.
  • Greek mythology greatly influenced Western literature. For example the ancient Greek poet Homer is credited with writing two of the most famous poems “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey”. The Iliad is about the final year of the Trojan War and The Odyssey is the sequel to the Iliad and describes the return of the Greek hero Odysseus after the Trojan War. These two works have been studied and adapted throughout history.
  • Greek mythology has also influenced the English language. Many words and phrases like Pandora’s box, Achilles heels, have Greek connotations and are used in the English language.
  • Greek mythology has shaped Greek philosophy which in turn has shaped Western philosophy. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle are famous Greek philosophers and their thoughts have influenced future philosophers. The Euclidean Theorem and the Pythagorean Theorem are also used in modern day mathematics.

When did Greek Civilization begin and end?

The Ancient Greek Civilization began from 1200 BC with the advent of the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages were also called the Homeric Age where the Greek poet Homer wrote his epic poems ‘The Iliad’ and ‘The Odyssey’.

Following the Dark Ages was the Geometric Period (900 BCE to 700 BCE) and the Orientalizing Period (700 BCE to 600 BCE). This marked the advent of a new culture in the Greek mainland.

Then came the Archaic Greece (600 BCE to 480 BCE) during which Greek culture expanded. But the Ancient Greece Civilization reached its prominence during the period from 480 BCE to 323 BCE. This period is also known as Classical Greece during which Alexander the Great ruled.

The Greek Civilization came to an end after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE. This marked the beginning of Hellenistic Greece (323 BCE to 31 BCE) during which the Greek culture mixed with other cultures. This marked the gradual dilution of Greek culture and finally its end in 31 BCE.

Ancient Greece Political System

Ancient Greece had a variety of government systems. Ancient Greece was a collection of independent states and each state had its own form of government. Some of the common systems of Greek government were:

  • Democracy: Democracy is derived from the Greek language the word demos means the entire citizen population. This form of government was prevalent in Greek city states like Athens, Argos, Rhodes and Syracuse. But democracy prevalent in Athens is the most famous and it has shaped the present day democracy. In Athens, a gathering of citizens who were allowed to vote would assemble on Pnyx Hill. What needs to be noted is that the gathering only included males above 18 years of age.
  • Monarchy: Monarchy and tyranny were difficult to separate in the city states of Greece. But the most famous monarchies were prevalent in Sparta, Macedonia and Epeiros. In Sparta, two kings ruled and held great power during the time of war. But during times of peace, there was an assembly of city elders known as the ephors who would keep the dual kingship in check. In Macedonia and Epeiros, the monarch had absolute power and was assisted by a puppet assembly that had little legal powers.
  • Oligarchy: Oligarchies are supposed to be the most common form of government in Greece, especially after the breakdown of democracy in a city state. An oligarchy is a system of government in which a small select group of people rule over a city or state. After the breakdown of democracy in Athens, there was an oligarchy of 400 citizens that ruled over it.
  • Tyranny: Tyrants were the most feared rulers in Greece and tyranny was the most fearful rule in Greece. In the system of tyranny, the ruler looks after his own interests and not the interests of the people. Tyrants ruled without any assistance and usurped the power by killing their predecessor. Sicily is most famous for the rule of tyranny that lasted for several generations.

Culture and Customs of Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece had diverse cultures and customs. It influenced Roman and other civilizations and continues to influence modern cultures and customs. Some of the cultures and customs of Ancient Greece are:

  • Ancient Greece is often referred to as the birthplace of philosophy. Philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle made significant contributions to the subject of ethics and political theory. Their ideas continued to shape Western philosophy.
  • Greek drama played an important role in ancient Greek culture. Playwrights like Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides wrote famous tragedies, while Aristophanes wrote famous comedies.
  • Ancient Greek art and architecture was famous for its notable achievements. This included the Parthenon in Athens, sculptures like the Venus de Milo, and red and black-figure pottery.
  • Ancient Greek religion involved a plethora of gods and goddesses, including Zeus, Hera, Athena, Apollo, and many others.
  • Ancient Greece was divided into a number of independent city-states, each with its own government and political system. Athens is renowned for experimenting with direct democracy, whereas Sparta is famous for its dual kingship.
  • The Greeks made major contributions to mathematics and science. Ancient Greek mathematicians like Pythagoras, Euclid, and Archimedes created important mathematical theorems and principles that are still used in modern day mathematics.

Conclusion : Greek Civilization

The legacy of the Ancient Greek Civilization is a strong proof of their extraordinary achievements. Even though the Greek Civilization flourished more than 2000 years ago, it still left a permanent mark on society. It paved the way for future civilizations. Its mark can be seen in fields ranging from politics to art and architecture, and from academics to societal structure.

FAQs on Greek Civilization

When did Greek Civilization begin?

The Ancient Greek Civilization began from 1200 BC with the advent of the Dark Ages.

What was the impact of Greek civilization on the western world?

Greek mythology has a lasting and profound impact on later civilizations. The Roman Empire was the next empire that came up after the decline of the Greek civilization. The Romans were heavily influenced by Greek mythologies. During the Renaissance too, there was a revival of influence of Greek mythology.

How was the political system of Ancient Greece?

Ancient Greece was a collection of independent states and each state had its own form of government. Some of the common systems of Greek government were democracy , monarchy , oligarchy and rule tyranny.

Who was the most famous Greek ruler in history?

Alexander the Great is considered to be the most famous Greek ruler in history. He ruled the ancient Greek city state of Macedonia. He was never defeated in battle and annexed nearly half of the world during his rule.

What are some of the famous contributions of Ancient Greece?

Philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, playwrights like Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes, and Ancient Greek mathematicians like Pythagoras, Euclid, and Archimedes all made significant contributions. The Parthenon in Athens, sculptures like the Venus de Milo, and red and black-figure pottery are other significant contributions of Ancient Greece.

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