Greatest number among three given numbers in PL/SQL

Prerequisite PL/SQL introduction
In PL/SQL code groups of commands are arranged within a block. A block group related declarations or statements. In declare part, we declare variables and between begin and end part, we perform the operations.
Given three numbers and the task is to find greatest among them.


Input: a = 46, b = 67, c = 21
Output: 67

Input: a = 9887, b = 4554, c = 212
Output: 9887

Approach is to consider the first number and compare it with other two numbers. Similarly, check with second and third.
Below is the required implementation: 


--To find the greatest number
-- among given three numbers
    --a assigning with 46
    a NUMBER := 46;
    --b assigning with 67
    b NUMBER := 67;
    --c assigning with 21
    c NUMBER := 21;
    --block start
    --If condition start
    IF a > b
       AND a > c THEN
      --if a is greater then print a
      dbms_output.Put_line('Greatest number is '
    ELSIF b > a
          AND b > c THEN
      --if b is greater then print b
      dbms_output.Put_line('Greatest number is '
      --if c is greater then print c
      dbms_output.Put_line('Greatest number is '
    END IF;
--end if condition
--End program 


Greatest number is 67

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