Grant MySQL table and column permissions using Python

MySQL server is an open-source relational database management system that is a major support for web-based applications. Databases and related tables are the main component of many websites and applications as the data is stored and exchanged over the web. In order to access MySQL databases from a web server, we use various modules in Python such as PyMySQL, mysql.connector, etc. 

In this article, we are going to grant permissions to a user in accessing a database and its MySQL tables. The CREATE USER statement creates a user account with no privileges. The statement for creating a user in MySQL is given below.

CREATE USER 'user_name'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

The above user can log in into MySQL Server, but cannot do anything such as querying data and selecting a database from tables. In our case,  user_name is w3wiki and password for login is 1234

To change the user in MySQL client, use the below command:

SYSTEM MYSQL -u w3wiki -p1234;

To check the current user, one can use the below command:

SELECT user();

The above statement could be used to know the permissions of the user. 

SHOW GRANTS FOR user_name@localhost;

See the below example:

Default Privileges

Note: To grant permissions to the user Beginnerforgeesks you must be logged into root account. Users can’t grant permissions to themselves. 

Below is the python program to add table and column permissions to the user w3wiki:


# import required module
import pymysql
# establish connection to MySQL
connection = pymysql.connect(
    # specify host
    # specify root account
    # specify password for root account
    # default port number is 3306 fro MySQL
# make a cursor to run sql queries
mycursor = connection.cursor()
# granting all permissions on all databases and their
# tables of w3wiki user permission also includes
# table and column grants
mycursor.execute("Grant all on *.* to w3wiki@localhost")
# print all privileges of w3wiki user
mycursor.execute("Show grants for w3wiki@localhost")
result = mycursor.fetchall()
# commit privileges
mycursor.execute("Flush Privileges")
# close connection to MySQL


Python Output

MySQL Terminal

MySQL output

We could see that permissions to CREATE and ALTER MySQL tables have been provided to user w3wiki.

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