Grade 4 English Worksheet 2: Reading Comprehension Worksheet

A Reading Comprehension Worksheet for class 4 is designed to help students in the fourth grade develop and improve their reading comprehension skills. These worksheets are typically used by teachers and parents to assess a student’s ability to understand and interpret written texts.

Let us dive in and answer the questions below!

Grade 4 English Worksheet 1: Reading Comprehension Worksheet

The Inventive Robot

The Inventive Robot

In a bustling city, there lived a young inventor named Max. One day, Max decided to create a robot to help with everyday tasks. He named the robot RoboHelper and programmed it to cook, clean, and even tell jokes.

RoboHelper became a sensation in the city, and people from far and wide came to see the incredible invention. Max was proud of his creation, but he realized that RoboHelper lacked one important thing – the ability to feel emotions. Determined to make RoboHelper even better, Max set out to add a heart to his robotic friend.

As Max worked on the upgrade, RoboHelper started to understand emotions like happiness and sadness. The robot became not just a helper but also a friend to everyone in the city.

Reading Comprehension Worksheet: Answer the following Questions.

What did Max create to help with everyday tasks?

  • A talking parrot
  • A flying carpet
  • A cooking robot named RoboHelper
  • A magical wand


    2. Why did people come from far and wide to see RoboHelper?

    • To tell jokes
    • To eat delicious food
    • To see the incredible invention
    • To learn how to invent robots


      3. What did Max realize was missing in RoboHelper?

      • Cooking skills
      • The ability to feel emotions
      • The ability to fly
      • The knowledge of telling jokes


        4. What did Max set out to add to RoboHelper?

        • A heart
        • Wings
        • A tail
        • A camera


          5. How did RoboHelper change after the upgrade?

          • It became a better cook.
          • It learned to tell more jokes.
          • It gained the ability to feel emotions.
          • It started flying.


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