Google Rolls Out Dark Web Monitoring Tool for All Gmail Users

Google has revealed that it will first expand its Dark Web monitoring to all Gmail users in the United States before moving on to another international market.


The dark web monitoring tool was previously exclusive to Google One US members. The internet giant began implementing it in March of this year, but it has now been made available to all Gmail users in the US. It will soon be made available in a few other international countries as well.

Google confirmed that it will start monitoring the Dark Web for all Gmail users in the US before expanding to other countries. Now, Gmail users can check to see whether their Gmail address is listed on the Dark Web and receive instructions on how to stay safe.

“We’ll soon be expanding access to our Dark Web report to select international markets,” the company stated.

Jen Fitzpatrick, SVP of Google Core Services, said that the organization shields Gmail users from roughly 15 billion spam, phishing, and malware messages every day by blocking more than 99.9% of them.

He stated, “Now, we’re further expanding spam protections in Google Drive by introducing a new view that makes it easier to separate and review your files, decide what you might view as spam, and stay safe from potential unwanted or abusive content,”

Like Gmail, Drive will also automatically classify items into a spam view, shielding users from harmful or undesired files. The corporation is also introducing a brand-new tool to assist users in determining the validity of visual information they see online. 

The company is also introducing a brand-new tool to assist users in determining the validity of visual information they see online.

The “About this Image” section will provide users with important contexts, such as when a specific image or a group of related images was first indexed by Google, possibly where it first appeared, and possibly other online sources such as news, social media, or fact-checking websites.

Recently, Google became the first significant internet corporation to make passkey sign-in available on its platform. Passkeys combine the simplicity of just unlocking the device with the high level of security offered by 2-Step Verification (2SV).

Keeping track of your internet accounts might be difficult with so many data breaches happening frequently. Attackers may use brute force methods to try and crack your password if your email address is exposed. If they succeed, this could lead them to further details about you. Such private information is frequently purchased and sold by cybercriminals on the dark web to gain money. As a result, dark web monitoring is one method for keeping track of your accounts.

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