Google Interview Experience for Software Engineer

Interview Details:

The interview took place on 23/04/2022 and was conducted virtually using Google Meet. The entire process consisted of four rounds: an initial HR screening, two technical rounds, and a final behavioral round.


To prepare for the Google interview, I spent weeks researching the company’s values, products, and the specific team I was interviewing for. I also studied data structures, and algorithms, and practiced coding problems on various online platforms.

Interview Rounds:

1. HR Screening:

The HR round was a friendly conversation focused on my work experience, motivation for joining Google, and questions about my preferred team and location. It was an excellent opportunity to showcase my enthusiasm for Google and align my interests with the company’s goals.

2. Technical Round 1:

The first technical round was a coding assessment conducted on a shared coding platform. The interviewer asked me to solve algorithmic problems and optimize my solutions. They were also interested in understanding my approach to problem-solving and the efficiency of my code.

Sample Question: Implement a function to check if a given string is a palindrome.

3. Technical Round 2:

The second technical round delved deeper into my technical knowledge and programming abilities. The interviewer presented complex algorithmic challenges and asked me to design solutions and discuss the trade-offs.

Sample Question: Given an array of integers, find two numbers that add up to a specific target value.

4. Behavioral Round:

The final round focused on my behavioral competencies, teamwork skills, and how I handle real-life scenarios. The interviewer asked questions about how I handle challenges, adapt to changes, and communicate with team members.

Questions Asked:

  • Describe a challenging project you worked on and how you overcame obstacles.
  • How do you handle conflicting opinions within a team when making critical decisions?

Your Responses:

I responded to the technical questions by first clarifying the problem, considering edge cases, and then implementing efficient solutions. During the behavioral round, I shared examples from my past experiences that demonstrated my ability to collaborate with colleagues effectively and resolve conflicts constructively.


One of the challenges I faced during the interview was managing my nerves, especially during the technical rounds. To overcome this, I practiced mock interviews with friends and received feedback to build my confidence.


I received positive feedback on my technical skills and problem-solving abilities. The interviewer also appreciated my enthusiasm for the company and how well I aligned with Google’s values.


My Google interview experience was both challenging and rewarding. I felt a strong connection to the company culture and the impactful work they do. Regardless of the outcome, the interview process itself has been a valuable learning experience that will undoubtedly benefit me in future interviews and my career as a software engineer.

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