Google Interview Experience For Software Developer

Reflecting on my recent experience interviewing with Google for a software role has been nothing short of insightful and enlightening. Here are a few takeaways that might help!

  • Problem-solving and logical thinking
  • Time and Space complexity (v important)
  • DS and Algorithms concepts understanding
  • Ability to solve problems in the given time frame
  • Code Comprehension (clean, proper steps & function calls)

45 minutes interviews (over Google Meet)

  • Round 1 : Array+DP – LC medium
  • Round 2: Directed graph – LC hard + googleyness

Both rounds went well, but in Round 2 I couldn’t optimise the solution, just after that was googleyness round.

The interviewers were not only highly skilled professionals but also genuinely interested in understanding my thought process and approach to complex problems.

The next day, I got a call from my HR that I couldn’t make it and should apply after 6 months again.

However, I am so grateful for the opportunity and look forward to applying the lessons learned in future interviews.

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