Google Developer Students Club Lead (GDSC) Interview Experience

In this article, I will be sharing my personal experience and insights on how I got selected as a GDSC Lead and the complete application process. I hope that sharing my journey, will inspire others to start similar clubs at their universities.

What is a Google Developer Student Club (GDSC)?

GDSCs are community groups for college students who are interested in Google developer technologies. These clubs provide a peer-to-peer learning environment where students can bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world development. The goal of GDSCs is to empower students to make an impact in their communities through technology.

The GDSC Lead Selection Process:

I will provide approximate dates to give you an idea of the timeline and duration of each stage. Please note that there may be changes in the application process from the time of my application.

Stage 1: Application Form

I received a link from the current GDSC Lead at my university. He shared the application link in our GDSC group, allowing interested students to apply through the referral. The form required me to provide my complete details and include links to my work and social handles, such as GitHub, LinkedIn, etc. Additionally, I had to answer the same set of questions mentioned earlier, including my motivation to run a GDSC at my college, my experience in leading a project or a team, and the technology that interested me the most and why. One crucial part of the application was recording a 90-second video to showcase why I was the right person to be a GDSC Lead. I took my time to write, review, and re-review my answers, which took around 3 to 5 days.

Stage 2: Interview

After submitting my application, I received an email on 30 April informing me about the interview process. I had to schedule a 30-minute video call within the next three weeks with a representative. The interview covered various aspects, including giving an introduction, discussing my projects, leadership experience, and future plans with GDSC. During the interview, the representative also asked me about my favorite tech stack and also posed some basic data structures and algorithms (DSA) questions, as I had mentioned my interest in DSA. I made sure to answer all the questions confidently and to the best of my ability, showcasing my knowledge and enthusiasm for the subject matter.

Final Result:

After approximately 60 days, I received the selection email on 16 July. Please keep in mind that the duration may vary depending on your university. It is crucial to be patient throughout the process.

Becoming a GDSC Lead is just the beginning of an exciting journey. It offers opportunities for personal growth, collaboration, and making a positive impact in your community. I hope that sharing my interview experience has inspired you to consider applying for a GDSC Lead position at your university.

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