Google Developer Student Club Interview Experience

The first round was a profile review. The next interview is planned for the next few days.

Interview Round: It started with Self Introduction and then the following questions were asked:

  • Difference between covariance and correlation.
  • Supervised and unsupervised machine learning.
  • Difference between classification and regression and reinforcement learning

Common Questions for every candidate

  • About project (how u done the project and output of the project and which technologies you use in this project) * Some question about missing values in a data set
  • Why should we hire you?
  • How do you manage your timings?
  • What you are expecting from GDSC Club?
  • What is GDSC CLUB ?

After a few days selected received mail from GDSC Club on September 3, 2022. I hope this will help to the candidates those who are applying to the GDSC AI/ML developers.

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