Google CEO Sundar Pichai Prefers ‘Non-Sleep Deep Rest’ to Relax

Synopsis – The term ‘NSDR’ or ‘non-sleep deep rest’ was coined by Stanford Neurosciences Professor Andrew Huberman who writes on Hubermanlab (his website) about the technique stating, “Two studies (on humans) published in the last 2 years show that shallow naps and/or NSDR can enhance the rate and depth of learning. This is an easy practice to incorporate. Within 1 hour of completing a learning bout, do a short NSDR protocol.”

Search engine giant Google CEO Sundar Pichai recently made a revelation stating that he prefers non-sleep deep rest (NSDR) over meditation, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. He also stated that he struggles with meditation. With this statement, Pichai has given answered the queries of people who are interested in knowing about how successful people stay active and focused.

“Meditation is something I see the value of, but I struggle to do that. Walking is very helpful to me. I find it much easier to think when I’m walking or pacing. Through the pandemic, sometimes it’s been helpful to take my dog out for a walk, and I can relax by listening to podcasts,” said the Google CEO in the interview.

He also said that he listens to podcasts on NSDR. He added, “So while I find it difficult to meditate, I can go to YouTube, find an NSDR video. They’re available in 10, 20, or 30 minutes, so I do that occasionally.”

The term ‘NSDR’ or ‘Non-sleep Deep Rest’ was coined by neurosciences professor of Stanford University School of Medicine, Andrew Huberman who writes on Hubermanlab (his website) about the technique stating, “Two studies (on humans) published in the last 2 years show that shallow naps and/or NSDR can enhance the rate and depth of learning. This is an easy practice to incorporate. Within 1 hour of completing a learning bout, do a short NSDR protocol.”

He furthermore added, 

“You have options as to what NSDR you choose: Reveri is a zero-cost (research-tested), self-hypnosis app, or take a brief 20-minute nap, or listen to an NSDR script such as ‘Yoga Nidra’ (I like this 10 minute one and do it daily, or here is a longer 30-minute video that is excellent). “

Huberman termed Yog Nidra and hypnosis as the protocols of NSDR. ‘Yog Nidra’ is the method in which the practitioner is still lying and is supposed to focus on breathing, body parts, stress points, and the mind. On the other hand, the Hypnosis method requires the presence of a clinical hypnotist.

Following Pichai’s claim of his preference of the NSDR protocol, Huberman tweeted, “Google CEO @sundarpichai uses NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest) protocols. I personally have been using NSDR daily for ~10 years and find them to be among the more powerful tools out there for recovering lost sleep, focus (after) & neuroplasticity.”

Validating the Google CEO’s way of pursuing the protocol and accessibility of the sources for the same, the Neuroscientist added, “And these are accessible at zero cost on YouTube and various apps.”

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