Goldman Sachs Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Round 1: Online coding (done on Hackerrank) and written work

  • 15 multiple-choice questions of varying difficulty
  • 45 minutes for one coding question– Determine the number of cycles in a directed graph given its adjacency matrix

Second round: F2F technical

  • comprehensive discussion of projects and the technologies required to carry them out.
  • A design issue with parsing (as one of my projects involves parsing): Provide me with the order in which the various modules should be executed given their dependencies and are listed one per line in a text file. Create the necessary data structures and algorithms. Complete coding wasn’t necessary.
  • Find the loop in a linked list and eliminate it. gave every conceivable answer. It was necessary to write clean, full code.

Third round: F2F technical and HR

  • began with a quick introduction to each person.
  • In Java, there is a distinction between an interface and an abstract class.
  • Create a three lift software with all potential outcomes in mind. What criteria are all necessary? What will you include in total?
  • situations-based inquiries.
  • 8-piece marble puzzle.
  • Puzzle of a gold bar.

Final round: Technical

  • What language do you speak the best? C++, I said.
  • How is C++’s implementation of dynamic polymorphism done? (The question was about virtual classes and functions.)
  • What distinguishes pointers from reference variables?

Fifth round: Technical

  • What data structures should be passed to the bool isDeadlock(Some Data Structure) method as parameters?
  • Given are two 32-bit ints and floats. Which is superior?
  • Multithreading: what is it? How does Java implement it?
  • Describe a deadlock. Create a stalemate scenario with two processes vying for two distinct resources.
  • What is the C++ Diamond problem? What motivates your desire to work for Goldman Sachs?

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