Goldman Sachs Interview Experience for Summer Internship | Off-Campus (2020-21)

I applied through the company’s career portal for the Goldman Sachs’ Engineering Campus Hiring Program 2020. Around 1.5 lakh students from all over India (2021 and 2022 batch) attempted the

First Round – Aptitude Test (9th August 2020): The test was conducted on HackerRank and it was of a time duration of 1 hour 45 minutes. The test had a total of 7 sections consisting of 68 questions:

  1. Numerical Computation: 8 MCQs
  2. Numerical Reasoning: 12 MCQs
  3. Comprehension: 10 MCQs
  4. Abstract Reasoning: 12 MCQs
  5. Diagrammatic Reasoning: 12 MCQs
  6. Logical Reasoning: 12 MCQs
  7. Subjective: 2

Each question in the MCQs carried +5 for a correct answer and -2 for an incorrect answer. The subjective questions carried 10 marks each. I attempted about 44 MCQs properly, a few MCQs on an approximate basis, and attempted one subjective question properly.  

Around 2000 students were selected for the next round.  

Second Round – Technical Assessment (26th September 2020): The Technical Round was of 2 hours 15 minutes and was conducted on HackerRank.  It comprised of 5 sections:

  1. Programming – 30 minutes: 2 easy to medium level questions (for me, one was based on mathematical concepts and the other was based on trees and strings)
  2. Quantitative Aptitude – 25 minutes: Math-related MCQs. There were a total of 7 questions.
  3. Computer Science – 20 minutes: 8 MCQs based on Computer Science subject topics like OOPs, OS, DBMS, DSA (mainly sorting algorithms).
  4. Advanced Programming – 45 minutes: 1 question on advanced Data Structures (for me, based on combination of graphs and DP)
  5. Tell me about Yourself – 15 minutes: 2 essay type questions

The criteria for passing the second round was to clear at least 3 of the 6 sections (including CGPA as a section) in the technical assessment. I attempted one coding question properly, most of the MCQs, and both the subjective questions.  

Around 200 students were selected for the virtual interviews. All my interviews were conducted on the same day (8th November) with Zoom as the video-conferencing platform.  

Third Round – Virtual Interviews (8th November 2020):

  • Interview 1: First, there was a brief introduction. After, he asked me about the differences between C++ and Python. Then there was a brief discussion regarding my projects. Then, moving on to DSA, we discussed the major sorting algorithms in depth. Using HackerRank CodePair as the live coding platform, he asked me to code the solution for ‘how to merge n sorted arrays each of length k into one single array’. I approached the question using the concept of min-heap and later discussed the time and space complexities with him. We also discussed the differences if merge sort had been used as the primary algorithm. He asked me if I had any questions and that was the end of the first interview.  
  • Interview 2: After an introduction, we discussed my resume and my projects for about 15 minutes. I was asked to explain in detail one of my projects. After, we moved on to DBMS where he asked to describe relations (tables) for a restaurant management system, in specific, the billing system. I described my approach, and we discussed for nearly 15-20 minutes how to go about the implementation. Then, he asked me to write an SQL query that involved multiple aggregate functions. Then, he moved on to DSA questions. He asked me to explain any sort algorithm in detail. I explained merge sort with an example. He then asked about my favorite data structures. I fumbled a bit and mentioned stacks, queues, and trees. He asked to explain any application of stack and the concept of BSTs and where they are useful. Finally, he asked me if I had any questions and that was the end of the second interview.  
  • Interview 3: This was an HR+Tech interview. He asked me about my plans after graduation. He then jumped to resume-based questions, and he asked me to explain some projects and achievements I had mentioned on my resume. The interview was only for about 5-10 minutes. Finally, he asked me if I had any questions for him and I asked him about the best part of working at GS. This was the end of the third interview.  



  1. For the Aptitude Round, you can practice logical reasoning questions and revise numerical concepts. Speed and accuracy are huge factors in this round.  
  2. For the Technical Assessment, apart from coding, the MCQs are value-adding. Make sure you are thorough with concepts taught in college courses – OOPS, OS, DBMS, and DSA. Computer Networks based questions are rarely asked. For the problem solving numerical questions, revise basic trigonometry, probability, and statistics topics. Practice the sample papers available on HackerRank.
  3. For the Interview rounds, practice explaining problem-solving coding questions from the brute force to optimized approach. Go through articles on w3wiki for the Computer Science concepts. Know the differences between various programming languages. Most importantly, be thorough with your resume. You must be prepared to answer any question based on your resume.

Prepare basic HR questions beforehand. Additionally, some candidates were asked puzzles during the interviews, hence go through the Puzzles tag on w3wiki. Go through previous interview experiences to get an idea of how to prepare.  

Thank you w3wiki for your vast collection of resources to help aspire students.

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