Goldman Sachs Interview Experience for Summer Analyst’21

I applied for Goldman Sachs through their Engineering Campus Hiring Program(EHCP) in January 2021. The process took around 3 months.

Round 1(Aptitude Test): The first round was Aptitude Test which was scheduled for 20th February 2021. The total duration was 90 minutes. There were a total of 66 questions divided into 6 sections. The marking scheme was +5 for the correct answer and -2 for an incorrect answer. I attempted 44 questions and was selected for the next round. The sections were-

  1. Numerical Computations – 8 questions
  2. Numerical Reasoning -12 questions
  3. Comprehension – 10 questions
  4. Abstract Reasoning – 12 questions
  5. Diagrammatic Reasoning – 12 questions
  6. Logical Reasoning – 12 questions.

Round 2(Technical Test): The second round was a Technical Test which was scheduled on 21st March 2021. The total duration was 2hrs 15minutes. There were 5 sections-

  1. Coding(30 mins) – Two programming questions
  2. Computer Science multiple-choice section(20 mins) – 7 MCQs
  3. Quantitative Aptitude multiple-choice section(25 mins) – 8 MCQs
  4. Advanced Programming section(45 mins) – 1 Programming Question
  5. Subjective section(15 mins) – 2 Qns
  6. After that, there were two technical interviews on 5th April.

Round 3(Interview 1): The first interview was a 40 minutes interview. 

  1. First, the interviewer asked me about myself. 
  2. Then he gave me an OOPS-based question. My task was to implement two classes where one class inherited the other class.

Round 4(Interview 2): The second interview was a 1 hour 30 mins interview.

  1. First, the interviewer asked about my favorite CS Subject. I answered DBMS. Then he asked me about normalization and he gave me a table and asked to normalize it. Then he asked me to write a query based on the tables I created.
  2. Then he moved to coding questions-
    1. Detect a loop in a linked list.
    2. Divide a linked list into three parts.
    3. Divide a linked list into three parts based on their position mod 3.
  3. Then he gave me a puzzle. There are 12 balls out of which 11 balls are identical in weight and 1 is different(can be heavy or light). We are given a set of balance scales. We need to find the minimum number of times required to use the balance scale to find the ball which has a different weight.

The results were announced on 16th April, and I was selected for the Summer Analyst Position.



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