Goldman Sachs Interview Experience

Round 1: 

First Round comprises of 1 coding question of 20 marks and 16 MCQs. MCQs was based on stats, probability, data structure, combinatorics etc.  Each MCQ has 10 marks for correct answer and negative 2 for wrong one.

Coding question was:

K numbers was given in an array. We can flip any number of 0s (in binary form) to 1 of each number. Each number is represented in n bits.  We have to tell that how many distinct numbers are possible.



Around 43 people were shortlisted from 240 people for further rounds.


Round 2:

We have brief discussion about my resume. Then she asks me three coding questions that I have to write  its solution on the paper.

At last she asks me whether I have any questions. I asked her 2 questions. One was what is her work in Goldman Sachs. Second One was work culture in Goldman Sachs.

Interviewer was very friendly.


Round 3:

This was a mix round containing questions from OS, networking etc.

First one was where bash executable file is located in linux system. Another one was how to find CPU performance.

After that he asks me How server client model? Then some questions on OSI model were asked.


Round 4:

This round has 1 question from probability, 1 from coding (DP), 1 question as a puzzle.

He asks me whether I am comfortable with probability or not. I immediately said yes.

  • He asks me what is expected number of tosses of a fair coin, we stops when consecutive head come.
  • Second one was coding question based on DP. You have stick of size N. You are allowed to cut the stick of size of integral values only. Value of different sizes of stick was given. Maximize the value by cutting stick.
  • Third one was celebrity problem. You have to minimize the questions to be asked.


Round 5:-

Initially interviewer asks me whether I knows Lazy propagation or not. I reply it with no.

Then he asks me connecting noodles problem.


Round 6:

Interviewer asks me about some basic sorting and search based question.

  1. Then he asks me to find element x in an infinitely long array. It was similar to  He ask me to prove that why we use power of 2 only. I tried to convince him by giving argument that by using 2 we will have to search lesser number of indices in an array. But he did not get convinced completely.
  2. Second  question was to construct an BST from an sorted array. It was similar to


All the interviewers was very friendly and helps you if you got stuck. Be confident and say no, if you are unconfortable on any topic. I have told them that I am not good in Networking and lazy propagation.

At the end, I got selcted along with 10 other people get selected.

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