Gojek Interview Experience for SDE (On-Campus) 2021

Gojek visited our campus for hiring final-year students for the role of Associate Software Engineer.

The selection criteria consist of 4 rounds.

  1. Online Assessment
  2. Machine coding round
  3. Code Pairing round
  4. Technical F2F Interviews (1 or 2)

Online Assessment: This test was conducted on the Hacker rank platform and the duration of the test was 45 minutes. The test consisted of 2 coding questions of medium-level difficulty along with 11 MCQs to test your technical aptitude.

Round 1 Criteria: Top-performing candidates from the test were selected for the machine coding round. There was no other criterion used.

Machine coding Round: The test was conducted on the HackerRank platform and the duration of the test was 60 minutes. In this round, we were asked to implement a banking application. All the instructions for the same were clearly mentioned in the question.


  • Code should follow SOLID OOPS  principles.
  • Solutions with unit tests will be given more priority. (Add if possible, it’s not mandatory).
  • Use Git (or other version control tools) to make frequent commits. (Add if possible).
  • Follow good coding practices and principles (These carry weightage in the review).

Round-2 Criteria: They had a set benchmark. According to the scores returned by the testing platform, whoever achieved the benchmark was shortlisted.

Round-3(Code Pairing round): There were 2 interviewers in the panel. The interview started with my introduction. We were asked to further explain the code which we implemented during our Machine Coding Round. I already implemented the problem of Machine Coding Round in Java, I was given a few sets of requirements to be coded on the spot and to come up with an executable application. You should be able to code the given requirement as directed on spot to proceed with further rounds.
This round was completed and the interviewer was quite impressed with my coding skills.

My takeaways: They are looking for hardcore coders and the person who made some open source contributions. You have a clear, proven track record of building working software outside of your academic requirements.

Round 4(Technical Interview): The interview started with my Introduction and then asked me 2 coding questions. After this, he proceeded to ask about my Project and internship work. Technical questions were asked on topics like multithreading, concurrency, semaphores, deadlock, etc. Questions from databases like Indexing, B trees, B+ trees. Questions from DSA were from trees and graphs. The college and Internship projects which I did were real projects and not copied from GitHub so when I talked about them, they sounded real as the work on them is still going on and I could talk about them confidently.

Verdict: Selected


  • Be confident and try to interact with your interviewer.
  • Practice coding questions from Leetcode and GFG.
  • Have complete knowledge about your projects and subjects like DSA,DBMS,OS.

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