GlobalLogic Interview Experience 2023

Hi, I’m Aman Rawat!

I’m writing to tell you about my experience with the interview process at GlobalLogic.

Before I started interviewing with GlobalLogic, I had never really considered working for a company like this. I’ve always had a passion for coding and electronics, so it was exciting to see how they use those skills in their business.

I was interviewed by three different people: 

One person from HR trained me on how to apply for jobs there and two people from the product development department. They were both very friendly and helpful, but the person who interviewed me most thoroughly was the person in product development. They asked basic coding questions like “How would you reverse a string?” and “How would you print all unique elements in a vector?” The other two people just asked if they could see my resume or portfolio and if they could ask follow-up questions if necessary.

Overall, my experience was great! It was an interesting way to learn more about what kind of work GlobalLogic does, as well as get a feel for whether or not it’s right for me long term.

When I first heard about GlobalLogic, I was excited. GlobalLogic is a company that helps software companies around the world find and hire the best talent they can find. They have multiple interview processes: in-person, virtual, and HR.

I was nervous because I didn’t know what to expect from the interview process. When it came time for my interview, I was asked basic coding questions about my projects and internships. We also had a few puzzle questions that required us to write code to solve them.

It was challenging but very informative! Overall, it was a great experience and I would recommend others go through the same thing!

I had a great experience with GlobalLogic.

I got an in-person interview, but also virtual and phone interviews. I didn’t get a lot of coding questions, but they were mostly basic things like reversing strings and printing all unique elements in a vector. Then they threw some puzzle questions at me as well—they were fun!

They prepared me for the interviews by giving me information about their company and asking about my projects and internships. They also made sure that I knew what kind of people they were looking for before I went in for the interview. The most important thing they told me was to prepare basic coding questions so that they could see if I could do anything more than answer the questions on paper.

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