Greenhouse Gas Emissions Countries 2024

Top 10 Greenhouse Gas emitters are gases that trap heat energy from Earth’s surface, sending it back to Earth and warming the atmosphere. The main ones are carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor.

The top 10 Greenhouse Gas emitters countries are China, the United States, India, Russia, Japan, Iran, Germany, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Indonesia. These countries collectively produce 61.6% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. China, the US, and India are the top three countries that emit greenhouse gases (GHGs), accounting for 42.6% of global emissions.

In this article, we will look into the list of top 10 greenhouse gas emitters along with their sources of emissions.

Table of Content

  • What is Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
  • Global GHG Emission
  • List of Top 10 Greenhouse Gas Emitters 2024
  • Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – China
  • Second Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – United States
  • Third Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – India
  • Fourth Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – Russia
  • Fifth Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – Japan
  • Sixth Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – Iran
  • Seventh Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – Germany
  • Eighth Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – Saudi Arabia
  • Ninth Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – South Korea
  • Tenth Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – Indonesia
  • History of Greenhouse Gases

What is Greenhouse Gas Emissions?

The term “greenhouse gas emissions” describes the release of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere of Earth. Earth’s average temperature increases as a result of these gases’ ability to trap heat and contribute to the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), fluorinated gases, and water vapor are the main greenhouse gases.

What are the Causes of Green House Emissions

  • Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas)
  • Deforestation
  • Industrial activities
  • Agricultural practices

Per Capita GHG Emission

The countries with the biggest per-capita emissions of greenhouse gases are the US and Russia. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) are the seven direct greenhouse gases addressed under the Kyoto Protocol.

Global GHG Emission

Carbon Dioxide (CO2):

  • 65% of global greenhouse gas emissions come from burning fossil fuels and industrial activities.
  • Another 11% comes from activities like deforestation and decay of biomass.
  • Fossil fuel use is the main source of CO2 emissions, but deforestation and land use changes also play a role.

Methane (CH4):

  • Around 16% of global emissions are from methane.
  • Agricultural practices, waste management, energy production, and biomass burning are the main sources of methane.

Nitrous Oxide (N2O):

  • Nitrous oxide contributes to about 6% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Agricultural activities, particularly the use of fertilizers, are the primary source of nitrous oxide emissions. Fossil fuel combustion also releases N2O.

Fluorinated Gases (F-gases):

  • About 2% of global emissions are from fluorinated gases.
  • Industrial processes, refrigeration, and various consumer products contribute to these emissions.
  • F-gases include hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).

List of Top 10 Greenhouse Gas Emitters 2024

The following table lists the top 10 Greenhouse Gas emitting countries 2024 along with their sources:


GHG Emissions (Mt)




Coal power, Coal mining, Blast furnaces producing iron and steel

United States


Burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation.



Electric power sector, Agriculture sector



Fossil fuels, including oil, coal, and natural gas.



Fuel combustion.



Fossil fuels and Industry.



Burning of fossil fuels, Industrial processes and livestock farming.

Saudi Arabia


Electricity generation, Road transportation, Cement, Chemicals, Refinery, Iron, Steel.

South Korea


Industry, Agriculture, Waste disposal.



Energy industries and forestry and other lands use sectors.

Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – China

China is the largest Greenhouse gas emitter in the World with 10,667.89 Mt of GHGs released in 2023.

  • China generates much of its energy from coal, contributing significantly to carbon dioxide emissions. Its rapid industrialization, particularly in heavy sectors like manufacturing, steel, and cement, releases large amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.

Second Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – United States

The United States is the second largest Greenhouse gas emitter in the World with 4,712.77 Mt of GHGs released in 2023.

  • In the United States, burning fossil fuels for heat, power, and transportation, along with industrial and agricultural activities, are major sources of greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.

Third Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – India

India is the third largest Greenhouse gas emitter in the World with 2,441.79 Mt of GHGs released in 2023.

  • India ranks third globally in greenhouse gas emissions, emitting 3.9 billion metric tons of CO2 equivalent in 2021, yet has lower per capita emissions compared to the global average.

Fourth Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – Russia

Russia is the fourth largest Greenhouse gas emitter in the World with 1,577.14 Mt of GHGs released in 2023.

  • Russia contributes approximately 4% of global emissions, mainly from natural gas, coal, and oil. In 2021, its greenhouse gas emissions totaled 1,405 MtCO2eq, with the energy sector being the primary source, and it aims for net zero emissions by 2060, though implementation details are unclear.

Fifth Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – Japan

Japan is the third largest Greenhouse gas emitter in the World with 1,030.78 Mt of GHGs released in 2023.

  • Japan emitted 1,170 million tons of CO2 equivalent in greenhouse gas emissions in 2021, with over 90% attributed to carbon dioxide, while methane, another potent greenhouse gas, is mainly released from oil spills and agricultural practices.

Sixth Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – Iran

Iran is the sixth largest Greenhouse gas emitter in the World with 745.04 Mt of GHGs released in 2023.

Seventh Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – Germany

Germany is the seventh largest Greenhouse gas emitter in the World with 644.31 Mt of GHGs released in 2023.

  • Germany has cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40% since 1990, reaching 750 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents in 2022, but emissions remained steady from the previous year.

Eighth Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is the eighth largest Greenhouse gas emitter in the World with 625.51 Mt of GHGs released in 2023.

  • Saudi Arabia has one of the highest per capita greenhouse gas emissions among G20 countries, mainly from fossil fuel burning and industrial activities, resulting in nearly 608 million metric tons of CO2 released in 2022.

Ninth Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – South Korea

South Korea is the ninth largest Greenhouse gas emitter in the World with 597.61 Mt of GHGs released in 2023.

  • South Korea is among the top global emitters, with 11.89 tons of CO2 emissions per person in 2021, totaling 676.6 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent.

Tenth Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter – Indonesia

Indonesia is the tenth largest Greenhouse gas emitter in the World with 589.5 Mt of GHGs released in 2023.

  • Indonesia’s greenhouse gas emissions increased overall from 1990 to 2020, with a minor decline in 2020, but rose again in 2021, reaching approximately 600 million tons of CO2 from the energy sector, ranking tenth globally.

History of Greenhouse Gases

Kyoto Protocol

The Kyoto Protocol, established in 1997, is a global agreement with the goal of cutting down on gases that cause global warming. It set targets for 41 countries and the European Union to reduce emissions of six greenhouse gases by 5.2% compared to 1990 levels. Many saw it as a groundbreaking environmental treaty.

The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty, named after the city in Japan where it was agreed upon in December 1997. Its goal is to lessen the release of gases that lead to global warming. It became effective in 2005 and set targets for 41 countries and the European Union to cut emissions of six greenhouse gases by 5.2% compared to 1990 levels, during the period from 2008 to 2012. Many praised it as a major environmental agreement, though some doubted its effectiveness.

Conclusion – Top 10 Greenhouse Gas Emitters

In summary, the top ten countries that release the most greenhouse gases, which include both developed and developing countries, are major contributors to the global climate disaster. To effectively address this issue, cooperation, eco-friendly behaviors, and a move to renewable energy sources are required. Mitigating climate change requires quick, coordinated action that calls for shared accountability and a worldwide commitment to constructing a low-carbon society. To solve the complex challenges faced by greenhouse gas emissions and to ensure a resilient and sustainable planet for future generations, international cooperation and innovation are essential.

Top 10 Greenhouse Gas Emitters- FAQs

Who is the highest emitter of CO2 in the world?

China is responsible for emitting 31% of the world’s carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels.

What are the top 5 emitters of greenhouse gases?

China, United States, India, European Union, Russia

Who is the biggest polluter in the world 2023?

China, United States, India, The European Union, Russia, and Japan and Brazil.

Who is the world’s largest GHG emitter?

The majority of greenhouse gases worldwide come from just a few countries. China, the United States, and the European Union countries are the top three emitters overall.

What is the origin of GHG?

Almost all the growth in greenhouse gases in the air over the past 150 years is due to human activities. In the United States, the biggest contributor to these emissions from human actions is the burning of fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation.

What is the rank of India in greenhouse gas emissions?

India has shown impressive progress in the CCPI rankings, moving up from 31st place in 2014 to seventh place in 2023.

What is the rank of India in Green Index 2023?

The Climate Change Performance Index 2023 report came out recently, and India climbed to 8th place, two spots higher than before.

Which country has highest greenhouse gas emissions?

China releases more carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere than any other country on the planet.

Which countries are the top 10 greenhouse gas emitters?

Top 10 greenhouse gas emitters are China, the United States, India, Russia, Japan, Iran, Germany, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Indonesia

Why is China the largest emitter of greenhouse gases?

China’s emissions rise from rapid industrialization, coal dependence, and high energy consumption.

What is Kyoto Protocol?

The Kyoto Protocol, agreed upon in 1997, is a global treaty with the goal of cutting down on gases that cause global warming.

How does the U.S. contribute to greenhouse gas emissions?

The U.S. emits gases mainly through energy production, transportation, and industrial activities.

What steps is India taking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

India is focusing on renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and improved waste management to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Why is Russia a significant emitter of greenhouse gases?

Russia’s emissions result from its reliance on fossil fuels, especially in the energy and industrial sectors.

What initiatives are Germany implementing to tackle emissions?

Germany is investing heavily in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and transitioning away from coal.

How does the industrial sector contribute to greenhouse gas emissions globally?

Industrial activities, such as manufacturing and cement production, release CO2 and other gases.

Which countries are the top 10 greenhouse gas emitters?

Top 10 greenhouse gas emitters are China, the United States, India, Russia, Japan, Iran, Germany, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Indonesi

What role does deforestation play in greenhouse gas emissions?

Deforestation releases stored carbon, contributing to increased greenhouse gas concentrations.

What measures are being taken to address emissions in Japan?

Japan is emphasizing energy efficiency, renewable energy adoption, and low-carbon technologies.

How can international cooperation help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions?

Collaborative efforts among nations are crucial for sharing solutions, technology transfer, and achieving global emission reduction goals.

Which country has highest greenhouse gas emissions?

China releases more carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere than any other country on the planet.

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