Gitrecon – OSINT Tool For Github in Kali Linux

Gitrecon is a GitHub information gathering tool. Gitrecon is a free and Open source tool available on GitHub. Gitrecon is a reconnaissance tool used for reconnaissance of GitHub accounts. Gitrecon is a free and open-source tool used to perform reconnaissance on GitHub account/profiles. As this tool is open source, you can also contribute to this tool. Gitrecon is an Open Source Intelligence tool. This tool is based upon OSINT technology.

This tool is very useful when you want to get information about GitHub profiles that you normally wouldn’t be able to get from just looking at their profile. There are various parameters on which you can get information. This tool is capable of gathering all the sensitive information which a normal user cannot easily gather. This tool can get all the Sensitive information such as username, user id, profile, blog, leaked email address, etc, Gitrecon is used to find a created date on which date the profile has been created on GitHub. Gitrecon is used to find an updated date on which the repository has been updated or modified.

Features of Gitrecon:

  • Gitrecon is a GitHub information gathering tool.
  • Gitrecon is a free tool. This means you don’t have to give any money to the developer you can download it and use it free of cost.
  • Gitrecon is an open-source tool. This is an open-source tool that is available on GitHub you can download this tool from github and even contribute to its source code.
  • Gitrecon is a lightweight tool for Kali Linux.
  • Gitrecon is an information-gathering tool for Github accounts.
  • Gitrecon is used to perform reconnaissance on GitHub accounts/profiles.
  • Gitrecon is written in python language. You must have python language installed in your kali Linux operating system.

Uses of Gitrecon:

  • Gitrecon is used for information gathering of GitHub profiles.
  • Gitrecon is used to perform reconnaissance on GitHub profiles.
  • Gitrecon is used to get information about GitHub repository owner which you will not easily find.
  • Gitrecon is used to find the username of the owner of a GitHub profile.
  • Gitrecon is used to gather information about the name of an owner of a repository of GitHub.
  • Gitrecon is used to find the email address associated with the GitHub profile.
  • Gitrecon is used to find twitter information of the owner of GitHub.
  • Gitrecon is used to find followers of a GitHub profile.
  • Gitrecon is used to find the following of a GitHub Profile.
  • Gitrecon is used to find a created date on which date the profile has been created on GitHub.
  • Gitrecon is used to find an updated date on which the repository has been updated or modified.

Reference of Gitrecon:

You can download the tool from this link of GitHub.

Installation and step-by-step tutorial of Gitrecon tool:

Step 1: Open your kali linux operating system. Move to desktop. Here you have to create a directory called Gitrecon. In this directory, you have to install the tool. To move to desktop use the following command.

cd Desktop

Step 2: Now you are on the desktop. Here you have to create a directory called Gitrecon. To create Gitrecon directory using the following command.

mkdir Gitrecon

Step 3: You have created a directory. Now use the following command to move into that directory.

cd Gitrecon

Step 4: Now you are in Gitrecon directory. In this directory you have to download the tool means you have to clone the tool from GitHub. Use the following command to clone the tool from GitHub.

git clone

Step 5: The tool has been downloaded in the directory Gitrecon. Now to list out the contents of the tool that has been downloaded use the following command.


Step 6: When you listed out the contents of the tool you can see that a new directory that has been generated by the tool is gitrecon. You have to move in this directory to view the contents of the tool. To move in this directory use the following command.

cd gitrecon

Step 7: To list out the contents of this directory using the following command.


Step 8: Now you have to install the requirements of the Gitrecon tool. To install requirements use the following command.

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 9: All the requirements has been downloaded. Now have to give permission to the tool.

chmod +x

Step 10: Now, this is the time to run the tool. To run the tool use the following command.

python3 -h

By this command, the help menu of the tool will be visible. Which means the tool is running now.

You can see the help menu is opened. Now we will see an example to use the tool.

Use Gitrecon tool to get information about a GitHub Account:

python3 < username > -s github

Conclusion: Just like what we have done in this example similarly you can use this tool to get information of a GitHub account whichever you want. You can get so much information about an account that is not easily visible on the profile of the person. There are various parameters on which you can get information. This tool can get all the Sensitive information such as username, userid , profile, blog, leaked email address etc, Gitrecon is a lightweight tool for Kali Linux. You must have python language installed in your kali Linux operating system.

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