GGK Tech Interview Experience (On-Campus)

GGK Technologies came to our college for placements and they had four rounds of interviews.

Written Test:

The written test consisted of Aptitude, Reasoning, English, Java coding questions for which output has to be answered. The difficulty level was Easy-medium and I’ve cracked it.

On-Paper coding round:

They started us giving coding questions one by one with some time limit. If we are unable to solve it within that time we’ll be eliminated. They totally gave 3 questions and out of which one is the basic Fibonacci series and the other two were some logical-based coding questions.

Technical Interview:

  • The technical interview was too long and the interview tested my knowledge in various domains.
  • He asked me some logical puzzles and asked me to explain about my final year and side projects.
  • He asked me to show the examination portal which I’ve designed for my college’s online examinations and asked questions on that.


  • TCS Codevita coding round results were declared just before the interview day and HR asked me If given a job at TCS and GGK which one would I choose and I told him about my interest in working at a startup like GGK.
  • He asked about my family background and some questions related to my personal interests.
  • Finally, he told me that I was selected and took some signatures on the document.

GGK tech is a great place to work. I’ve got great exposure to various technologies and domains working there.

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