GFG HackFest Participation Experience

So we are participating in the GFG Hackfest hackathon, and here is our experience while participating in it.

Our journey with DevCompete during the hackathon was like stepping into a coding adventure. We wanted to create a platform that not only hosted cool 1v1 live coding contests but also had a friendly AI to help out with coding challenges. As we tackled this project, we faced challenges, made some smart tech choices, and watched DevCompete come to life from just an idea.

When we first thought of DevCompete, we imagined a place where people could have fun coding against each other, and maybe get a little help from an AI friend. We sat down, drew out how it might work, and thought about how awesome it could be.

But, hey, we hit a bump in the road! Making Django work smoothly with WebSockets for real-time communication wasn’t easy. So, we had to rethink our strategy. We found Django Channels, which let us handle web sockets in a way that made everything run smoothly. It meant adjusting our plans a bit, but it was worth it. Still deploying Django with channels was very challenging as well.

The moment we got Gemini AI to join the party was a game-changer. We wanted the AI to give a little nudge during coding challenges, making it a learning experience. Tweaking the AI prompts took some time, but it was exciting to see it come together.

To make sure DevCompete could handle lots of people having fun at once, we decided to go with Azure for our cloud services. Azure made it easy to scale up when more people wanted to join a contest or try a coding challenge.

Our time with DevCompete in the hackathon was a blast. We faced challenges, made smart tech choices, and saw our coding adventure turn into a real platform. Even though we had to tweak our plans, the journey was worth it. Now, DevCompete is all set to bring a new vibe to coding competitions, and we’re excited to see where it goes!

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