getmaxcolor() function in C

The header file graphics.h contains getmaxcolor() function, which returns maximum color value for current graphics mode and driver. As color numbering starts from zero, total number of colors available for current graphics mode and driver are ( getmaxcolor() + 1 ) .

Syntax :

int getmaxcolor();

Below is the implementation of getmaxcolor() function.

// C Implementation for getmaxcolor()
#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// driver code
int main()
    // gm is Graphics mode which is
    // a computer display mode that
    // generates image using pixels.
    // DETECT is a macro defined in
    // "graphics.h" header file
    int gd = DETECT, gm;
    char arr[100];
    // initgraph initializes the
    // graphics system by loading a
    // graphics driver from disk
    initgraph(&gd, &gm, "");
    // sprintf stands for “String print”.
    // Instead of printing on console, it
    // store output on char buffer which
    // are specified in sprintf
    sprintf(arr, "Maximum number of colors for "
                 "current graphics mode and "
               "driver = %d", getmaxcolor() + 1);
    // outtext function displays text
    // at current position.
    outtextxy(20, 100, arr);
    // closegraph function closes the
    // graphics mode and deallocates
    // all memory allocated by
    // graphics system .
    return 0;

Output :


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