Get Column Index in Data Frame by Variable Name in R

R is an open-source programming language that is used as a statistical software and data analysis tool. In R Programming Language we can work on specific columns based on their names. In this article, we will learn different methods to extract the Get Column Index in Data Frame by Variable Name in R

  • Extract Column Index of Variable with Exact Match
  • Extract Column Indices of Variables with Partial Match

Column Index in Data Frame

An element’s position within a vector or a data structure, such as a data frame, is called its index. Each element will have a distinct index value, which you can use to retrieve certain information. In the context of a data frame, columns are identified by their names rather than their indices. However, indices can still be used to access specific rows or columns within the data frame. An index is a tool that helps you find the information you need easily within a larger data set. This leads to time savings and reduces our work while accessing huge amounts of data.


# Create a vector
my_vector <- c("r", "c", "java", "python")
# Accessing elements using indices
print(my_vector[1])  # Access the first element
print(my_vector[3])  # Access the third element


[1] "r"
[1] "java"
  • Here we have created a vector “my_vector” containing 4 elements “r”, “c”, “java”, and “python”.
  • We have accessed the elements (“r”, “c”) using the indices ([1] and [3]), which represent the first and third elements of the vector.

Creating Example Data Set

Dataset means a collection of data in a structured way. It mainly consists of a set of related data organized in tabular form, where each row represents an individual observation or record, and each column represents a specific attribute or variable. It typically consists of a set of related data organized in tabular form, where each row represents an individual observation or record, and each column represents a specific attribute or variable.

consider an example data set of your choice to extract the column index of variables with exact match, and extract column indices of variables with partial match.


data <- data.frame(x1 = 1:3,
                   x2 = letters[1:3],
                   x12 = 5)


  x1 x2 x12
1 1 a 5
2 2 b 5
3 3 c 5

In the above example, we can see there are 3 columns x1, x2, and x12. we can observe that the character string “x1” partially matches two column names x1 and x12 in the above dataset.

Extract Column Index of Variable with Exact Match

Suppose we want to find the exact index of the column named “x1”. we will use the “which()” function and the “colnames()“, which retrieves the data frame’s column names.

which() function

The ‘which()‘ function in R programming language helps us to return the indices of elements that are TRUE in the given input condition. When applied to column names within a data frame, it identifies columns that meet specified conditions. The function iterates through each element in the vector. If an element meets the condition (evaluates to TRUE), its index is stored. The function returns a vector containing the indices of all elements that met the condition (but only the first occurrence for each).



Here, the condition is given by the user.

Colname() function

The ‘colnames()‘ function retrieves the column names of data frame data. we can easily access the column names with the help of this function. This function simply provides the data frame name as an argument and returns a character vector containing the names of all columns in the data frame.



Here data refers to the data frame that we provide to it.


which(colnames(data) == "x1")



This code returns “1”, which indicates that the column “x1” resides at the first position within the data frame. The data set that we have created above is taken as ‘data’ in this example.

Extract Column Indices of Variables with Partial Match

suppose we want to find all the columns containing the string “x1”, even if it’s part of a longer name like “x12″ ” For this, we’ll use the “grep()” function, which searches for the pattern within strings.

grep() function:

The ‘grep()’ function performs pattern matching across a character vector. It searches for elements containing the specified pattern and returns their indices. A character vector in R is a data structure that stores a sequence of characters. It is essentially a collection of character strings. Textual data such as names, labels, or other alphanumeric information are stored in character vectors.


grep(pattern, x, = FALSE)

Here ‘pattern’ refers to the specified pattern within the character vector, and ‘x’ refers to the character vector. grep() is a case-sensitive function so the argument must be set to true or false.


grep("x1", colnames(data))


[1] 1 3

Here, the output( 1 3) indicates that the character pattern “x1” is partially matched in columns positioned at indices 1 and 3. Beacuse we have x1 in x13 column also.


In this article, we’ve learned how to extract column indices in R based on variable names, both with exact matches and partial matches. By using functions like which(), colnames(), and grep(). Understanding indices, which represent the position of elements within a data structure, is crucial for extracting information from datasets effectively. By learning this technique we can improve our data analysis skills in the R programming language.

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