Generate largest N digit number from 0 in K steps by incrementing X or multiplying by Y

Given integers N, K, X and Y. The task is to find the maximum possible N-digit number in K steps starting from 0. Using the operations given below:

  • Increment the value by X, or
  • Multiply the value with Y


Input: N = 2, K = 5, X = 2, Y = 3
Output: 72
Explanation: Sequence would be {0->2->6->8->24->72}

Input: N = 2, K = 10, X = 2, Y = 3
Output: 98
Explanation: Sequence would be 
{0 -> 0 -> 0 -> 2 -> 6 -> 8 -> 10 -> 30 -> 32 -> 96 -> 98}.
Notice that the above mentioned sequence 0 is multiplied by 3 two times.
Another possible sequence is
{0 -> 0 -> 2 -> 4 -> 6 -> 8 -> 10 -> 30 -> 32 -> 96 -> 98}.

Input: N = 3 and K = 4
Output: -1 
Explanation: Not possible to create 3-digit number in 4 steps


Approach: The problem can be solved using the concept of recursion. Follow the steps mentioned below: 

  1. For each recursive step exit the recursive call when:
    • If the number of steps taken becomes greater than K, then the recursion must be stopped.
    • If the count of digits of current number exceeds N, then there is no need to search on that branch.
    • If the current number becomes equal to the maximum N-digit number that may be generated then there is no need for further processing. It will reduce the number extra recursive calls.
    • Maximum possible N-digit number that may be generated at any moment is (10N – 1).
  2. Now Recursively call for the method with current number incremented by X and current step incremented by 1.
  3. Make another recursive call with current number multiplied by Y and current step incremented by 1.
  4. Store both the results in a variable.
  5. At any point of recursion, return the maximum of the two results stored in the variable.

Below is the implementation of the above approach


// C++ code to implement the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function for generating largest
//  N-digit number in K-steps.
int largestNDigitNumber(int N, int currentStep,
                        int K, int X, int Y,
                        int currentValue)
    // Further processing is useless
    // ifcCurrent value already becomes equal
    // to largest N-digit number that
    // can be generated
    if (currentValue == pow(10, N) - 1)
        return currentValue;
    // Return 0 steps taken is greater than K
    // and also if N or K equal to Zero.
    if (currentStep > K || N < 1 || K < 1)
        return 0;
    // currentValue exceeds maxValue,
    // so there is no need to
    // keep searching on that branch.
    if (currentValue >= pow(10, N))
        return 0;
    // Recursive calls
    int result2 = largestNDigitNumber(
        N, currentStep + 1, K, X, Y,
        currentValue + X);
    int result1 = largestNDigitNumber(
        N, currentStep + 1, K, X, Y,
        currentValue * Y);
    // If both the results are zero
    // it means maximum is reached.
    if (result1 == 0 && result2 == 0)
        return currentValue;
    // Checking for maximum of the two results.
    return result1 > result2 ? result1 : result2;
// Driver code
int main()
    int N = 2, K = 10, X = 2, Y = 3;
    int largest = largestNDigitNumber(
        N, 0, K, X, Y, 0);
    // Checking whether the returned result
    //  is a N-digit number or not.
    if (largest < pow(10, (N - 1))) {
        cout << ("-1");
        cout << largest;
    return 0;


// Java code to implement the approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG
  // Function for generating largest
  //  N-digit number in K-steps.
  static int largestNDigitNumber(int N, int currentStep,
                                 int K, int X, int Y,
                                 int currentValue)
    // Further processing is useless
    // ifcCurrent value already becomes equal
    // to largest N-digit number that
    // can be generated
    if (currentValue == Math.pow(10, N) - 1)
      return currentValue;
    // Return 0 steps taken is greater than K
    // and also if N or K equal to Zero.
    if (currentStep > K || N < 1 || K < 1)
      return 0;
    // currentValue exceeds maxValue,
    // so there is no need to
    // keep searching on that branch.
    if (currentValue >= Math.pow(10, N))
      return 0;
    // Recursive calls
    int result2 = largestNDigitNumber(
      N, currentStep + 1, K, X, Y,
      currentValue + X);
    int result1 = largestNDigitNumber(
      N, currentStep + 1, K, X, Y,
      currentValue * Y);
    // If both the results are zero
    // it means maximum is reached.
    if (result1 == 0 && result2 == 0)
      return currentValue;
    // Checking for maximum of the two results.
    return result1 > result2 ? result1 : result2;
  // Driver code
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int N = 2, K = 10, X = 2, Y = 3;
    int largest = largestNDigitNumber(
      N, 0, K, X, Y, 0);
    // Checking whether the returned result
    //  is a N-digit number or not.
    if (largest < Math.pow(10, (N - 1))) {
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


# Python code for the above approach
# Function for generating largest
#  N-digit number in K-steps.
def largestNDigitNumber(N, currentStep, K, X, Y, currentValue):
    # Further processing is useless
    # ifcCurrent value already becomes equal
    # to largest N-digit number that
    # can be generated
    if (currentValue == 10 ** N - 1):
        return currentValue
    # Return 0 steps taken is greater than K
    # and also if N or K equal to Zero.
    if (currentStep > K or N < 1 or K < 1):
        return 0
    # currentValue exceeds maxValue,
    # so there is no need to
    # keep searching on that branch.
    if (currentValue >= 10 ** N):
        return 0
    # Recursive calls
    result2 = largestNDigitNumber( N, currentStep + 1, K, X, Y, currentValue + X)
    result1 = largestNDigitNumber( N, currentStep + 1, K, X, Y, currentValue * Y)
    # If both the results are zero
    # it means maximum is reached.
    if (result1 == 0 and result2 == 0):
        return currentValue
    # Checking for maximum of the two results.
    return result1 if result1 > result2 else result2
# Driver code
N = 2
K = 10
X = 2
Y = 3
largest = largestNDigitNumber(N, 0, K, X, Y, 0)
# Checking whether the returned result
#  is a N-digit number or not.
if (largest < 10 ** (N - 1)):
# This code is contributed by Saurabh Jaiswal.


// C# code to implement the approach
using System;
class GFG {
  // Function for generating largest
  //  N-digit number in K-steps.
  static int largestNDigitNumber(int N, int currentStep,
                                 int K, int X, int Y,
                                 int currentValue)
    // Further processing is useless
    // ifcCurrent value already becomes equal
    // to largest N-digit number that
    // can be generated
    if (currentValue == Math.Pow(10, N) - 1)
      return currentValue;
    // Return 0 steps taken is greater than K
    // and also if N or K equal to Zero.
    if (currentStep > K || N < 1 || K < 1)
      return 0;
    // currentValue exceeds maxValue,
    // so there is no need to
    // keep searching on that branch.
    if (currentValue >= Math.Pow(10, N))
      return 0;
    // Recursive calls
    int result2 = largestNDigitNumber(
      N, currentStep + 1, K, X, Y, currentValue + X);
    int result1 = largestNDigitNumber(
      N, currentStep + 1, K, X, Y, currentValue * Y);
    // If both the results are zero
    // it means maximum is reached.
    if (result1 == 0 && result2 == 0)
      return currentValue;
    // Checking for maximum of the two results.
    return result1 > result2 ? result1 : result2;
  // Driver code
  public static void Main(string[] args)
    int N = 2, K = 10, X = 2, Y = 3;
    int largest = largestNDigitNumber(N, 0, K, X, Y, 0);
    // Checking whether the returned result
    //  is a N-digit number or not.
    if (largest < Math.Pow(10, (N - 1))) {
// This code is contributed by ukasp.


       // JavaScript code for the above approach
       // Function for generating largest
       //  N-digit number in K-steps.
       function largestNDigitNumber(N, currentStep,
                                   K, X, Y,
           // Further processing is useless
           // ifcCurrent value already becomes equal
           // to largest N-digit number that
           // can be generated
           if (currentValue == Math.pow(10, N) - 1)
               return currentValue;
           // Return 0 steps taken is greater than K
           // and also if N or K equal to Zero.
           if (currentStep > K || N < 1 || K < 1)
               return 0;
           // currentValue exceeds maxValue,
           // so there is no need to
           // keep searching on that branch.
           if (currentValue >= Math.pow(10, N))
               return 0;
           // Recursive calls
           let result2 = largestNDigitNumber(
               N, currentStep + 1, K, X, Y,
               currentValue + X);
           let result1 = largestNDigitNumber(
               N, currentStep + 1, K, X, Y,
               currentValue * Y);
           // If both the results are zero
           // it means maximum is reached.
           if (result1 == 0 && result2 == 0)
               return currentValue;
           // Checking for maximum of the two results.
           return result1 > result2 ? result1 : result2;
       // Driver code
       let N = 2, K = 10, X = 2, Y = 3;
       let largest = largestNDigitNumber(
           N, 0, K, X, Y, 0);
       // Checking whether the returned result
       //  is a N-digit number or not.
       if (largest < Math.pow(10, (N - 1))) {
 // This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh




Time Complexity: O(2K)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)


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