Generate a Random Symmetric Matrix using R

A symmetric matrix is a square matrix whose elements are mirrored across its main diagonal. In other words, if A is a square matrix of order n x n, then A is symmetric if and only. In this article, we will discuss how we Generate a random symmetric matrix using R Programming Language.

Random Symmetric Matrix Generation

  1. Start by creating an empty square matrix of the desired size.
  2. Fill the diagonal elements with random numbers.
  3. Generate random numbers for the upper triangular part of the matrix.
  4. Mirror these generated numbers to the lower triangular part to ensure symmetry, or vice-versa.
  5. The resulting matrix will be a random symmetric matrix.

Now, let’s see how can we generate a random symmetric matrix using R. Whenever you execute the code, it will generate a random matrix in the following format:

[,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,] 0.1864612 0.6858497 0.28346694

[2,] 0.6858497 0.3646553 0.01626766

[3,] 0.2834669 0.0162677 0.85660103

Method 1 for Generate a random symmetric matrix using R

The transpose of a symmetric matrix is equal to itself, which proves is symmetric.

We can understand this as:

[Tex](A * A^T)^T = (A^T)^T * A^T = A * A = A * A^T [/Tex]

Let’s start writing code as:

A <- matrix(runif(25), 5, 5)

matrix() will generate a random matrix A of size 5×5, and the runif will generate 25 random numbers and these numbers will be used to form the matrix A.

symmetric_matrix <- A %*% t(A)

This line will multiply the matrix A by its transpose t(A). The %*% operator is used for matrix multiplication.



# Generate a random matrix
A <- matrix(runif(25), 5, 5)
# Multiply the matrix by its transpose
symmetric_matrix <- A %*% t(A)
# Print the result
print("Random Symmetric Matrix:")


[1] "Random Symmetric Matrix:"
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] 2.2244018 0.8549218 1.9548182 1.0583177 1.8277867
[2,] 0.8549218 0.7641804 0.9331513 0.3767154 0.9227529
[3,] 1.9548182 0.9331513 1.9673082 1.0569605 1.7375706
[4,] 1.0583177 0.3767154 1.0569605 0.9519215 1.0490044
[5,] 1.8277867 0.9227529 1.7375706 1.0490044 2.1861691

Method 2 for Generate a random symmetric matrix using R

In this method, we can use the Matrix package, which creates a matrix, and then the forceSymmetric() function will look at the matrix and check if it’s already symmetrical or not. If it’s not, the function fixes it. It will take the values from one side and copy them to the corresponding positions on the other side, making the matrix symmetric.

So, let’s start and write the code line by line:


This line will load the Matrix package, which provides functionality for working with matrices, and also lets perform efficient matrix operations.

x <- Matrix(rnorm(9), 3)

This line will generate a random matrix (x) of size 3×3. The rnorm(9) will generate 9 random values from a standard normal distribution, and then the Matrix function will convert these values into a matrix of size 3×3.

X <- forceSymmetric(x)

The forceSymmetric function (from the Matrix package) will modify the matrix x and will make it symmetric.



# Load the Matrix package
# Generate a random matrix
x <- Matrix(rnorm(9), 3)
# Force the matrix to be symmetric
X <- forceSymmetric(x)
# Print the result


3 x 3 Matrix of class "dsyMatrix"
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 0.3628757 0.9032084 0.5989695
[2,] 0.9032084 0.2470253 -1.3922499
[3,] 0.5989695 -1.3922499 0.7538919

Method 3 for Generate a random symmetric matrix using R

In case you don’t want to use the matrix package and forcesymmetric function, then we can use the logic happening in the above method to write the code. lower.tri() will check the lower triangular elements of the matrix and then the lower triangular elements are substituted with their counterparts from the upper triangular part.

It’s like we pick out the lower part of the table (the part below the main diagonal). Then, we copy the numbers from the upper part of the table and paste them in the lower part.

Let’s start writing code as:

n <- 6

This line will define the size of the square matrix to be generated as n x n. I am using it as 6.

x <- matrix(rnorm(n * n), n)

This line will generate a random matrix x of size n x n filled with random values from a standard normal distribution. The rnorm function will generate n * n random numbers from a standard normal distribution, and the matrix function uses these numbers in a matrix of size n x n.

ind <- lower.tri(x)

This line will check the value of the lower triangular part of the matrix x. The lower. tri function returns a logical matrix indicating the lower triangular part of a matrix. It returns TRUE for elements in the lower triangle (including the diagonal) and FALSE otherwise.

x[ind] <- t(x)[ind]

This line will now symmetrize the matrix x by copying the values from the upper triangular part to the corresponding positions in the lower triangular part. The t(x) function computes the transpose of the matrix x, and [ind] is used to get the values corresponding to the lower triangular part of the transpose.



# Define the size of the matrix
n <- 6
# Generate a random matrix
x <- matrix(rnorm(n * n), n)
# Identify lower triangular indices
ind <- lower.tri(x)
# Symmetrize the matrix
x[ind] <- t(x)[ind]
# Print the result
print("Random Symmetric Matrix:")


[1] "Random Symmetric Matrix:"
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,] 0.041443284 0.3856893 0.005705292 0.1493362 -1.50164591 -0.91700464
[2,] 0.385689272 0.2511531 -0.761715936 -0.9300387 0.31310575 0.70435403
[3,] 0.005705292 -0.7617159 0.529664394 0.4042187 -2.68590553 1.95698339
[4,] 0.149336245 -0.9300387 0.404218686 -1.0034259 -0.28177049 -0.16007880
[5,] -1.501645910 0.3131058 -2.685905532 -0.2817705 -0.24344860 -0.09618833
[6,] -0.917004640 0.7043540 1.956983389 -0.1600788 -0.09618833 -1.23036489


  • Random symmetric matrices can help the researchers study relationships between various variables in data analysis, like how height relates to weight in a group of people.
  • Scientists can use random symmetric matrices to build models like predicting how a system behaves, such as how atoms interact in a material.
  • In technology also, random symmetric matrices can be used to improve images, like sharpening photos taken with a camera to make them clearer and more defined.
  • Random symmetric matrices also allow us to understand the relationships between things, like how different parts of a network (like social media connections) can be connected.
  • In artificial intelligence, random symmetric matrices can be used to train computers so that they can recognize patterns and make decisions based on that, like identifying faces in photos or predicting stock market trends.

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