Geeksforgeeks Write It Up Event Experience

I am a full-stack developer and I’m interested in writing. Since 2021, I have participated in w3wiki writing competitions. I am going to share one of my recent writing contest participation experiences. When I saw through a LinkedIn post that w3wiki has come up with an event this year where you can share your experiences and win exciting goodies, Write It Up Event 2023, I already knew I was going to participate.

The Write It Up Event 2023 was a great opportunity for writers to share their knowledge and experiences with others. The event was held from July 1 to August 15 and the theme was “Share your experiences.” I decided to share my interview experiences, as I thought they would be helpful to other software engineers who are preparing for job interviews. I wrote four articles for the event, all of which were published on the Beginner for Beginner website. My articles include my experiences with technical job interviews.

I also received a w3wiki Goodies bag for participating in the contest, which was a nice incentive. I’m definitely inspired to participate in more writing events on w3wiki in the future.

Participating in the Write It Up Event 2023 has been really beneficial. For me, it developed my confidence and helped me communicate better. In terms of my career, it helped me to connect with other software engineers who are also going through the interview journey, it can help them.

I would like to share some valuable tips and advice for those who are planning to participate in writing competitions:

  • Share personal experiences and insights. Readers connect with authenticity, and unique perspectives often stand out in a contest. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Share your inclinations and mistakes and help others learn from them.
  • Choose topics that really fascinate you, something you are learning and are keen to learn or already know. Your enthusiasm will shine through in your writing, making it more engaging for both you and your audience.
  • Take time to plan your content before moving forward. Create an outline, organize your ideas, and revise the content. Clean and well-organized words make an impact.
  • Pay attention to feedback. Feedback can help you become a better writer.
  • Share your published articles on social media. This is a great way to build your personal brand and reach a wider audience.
  • Add your accomplishments to your resume to showcase your skills and knowledge.

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