Geek Week 2022 – God of Problems (GOP) By GeeksforGeeks

You’re about to enter one of the most exciting weeks of this year, Geek Week 7 days of full-packed entertainment, learning, and rewards for y’all Beginner!

God of Problems is one such contest where you get an opportunity to not only learn but improve your problem-solving skills and speed. The more problems you solve, the better your chances of winning the contest. Pretty simple, right?


How to Participate in the God of Problems Event?

Step 1: Go to the practice portal and choose “Problems”


Step 2: Opt for a difficulty level:

  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard


Step 3: You have to choose any one category and solve as many problems as possible for you in that category. Say, you choose ‘Easy’, you have to solve the maximum no. problems for the ‘Easy’ category only.


*Majority will choose ‘Easy’. If you wish to increase your chances of winning try to go for the ‘Medium’ or ‘Hard’ category.

Important Rules:

1. All the problems have a ‘Full Solution’. Anyone who copies the full solution for any problem, that problem will not be considered in the final tally.


To see the full solution you can refer to the below screenshot:


2. There is no limit to the number of questions you can solve. Whosoever solves the most without copying the full solution wins.

3.You will be eligible for the rewards only if you solve maximum questions from each of the following 3 categories: Easy, Medium Or Hard. At the end of the event, 1 winner will be announced from each category.(Easy, Medium or Hard)  

4. The reward for the winner from each category will be worth 5000/-.

5. It is a 7-day event (11th Oct-17th Oct), so the tally will be done at the end of the 7th day, 17th October 2022.

6. The final result will be announced at least 3-5 days after the end of the event.

The rules are pretty simple. Consistency, Problem-Solving Skills, and Speed will make your win easy. So what are you waiting for? It’s your chance to shine and earn some exciting rewards. 

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