Galgotias University Campus Experience 1

I am a second-year undergraduate student pursuing my Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, at Galgotias University, Greater Noida. I would like to share my experience, as I have a very intriguing journey so far.

About the campus:

Galgotias University has a lush green campus of about 52 acres, in which there are three academic blocks, one hostel block and a mess, a separate block for the agriculture department, and a huge upcoming block. Along with this, there is also good sports infrastructure for basketball, football, cricket, squash, poolroom, volleyball, yoga etc. In my opinion, the best part of the campus is the state-of-the-art and well-equipped laboratories. Major computer labs of my department have premium computer systems with Intel i7 12th gen processors, there are also some labs with i9 12th gen processors. However, some of the labs are yet to be updated. There is also an IOS Development center which is one of its kind in the entire north India. All the classrooms in my department have centralized air conditioning, step-wise seats, a biometric attendance system, and a projector for smooth learning.

My First Year Experience:

Like any other fresher, I was both excited and anxious particularly because of two reasons: this was the first time when I was leaving my home and going to live in a completely different city with absolutely no prior acquaintances. I took private accommodation which was about 15km away from campus, but they were providing me with all the travel needs. For the first 5-6 days there was an orientation program for us, and I made my first friend there. One week later my regular classes started, Since the first year is a general year for all, so we were taught subjects related to electrical, electronics, and mechanical engineering. After a month I have made a few friends in my section too. Because of time constraints, my first semester ended in 4 months only, I found the level of exams was easier than the 12th boards. It was a very smooth experience for me. Then my second semester started, and this time I had more subjects. For three days each week, I attended my lectures from 8:45 am to 5:25 pm and two days were generally half days. It was very tiring but the subjects were not too difficult so I managed to cover it all. The second semester ended in June with a total duration of five months. After that, we had our vacation of three months.

My Second-Year, Experience:

This time I decided to take the university hostel to deduct the time of travelling. However, the food and mess facility here is not up to the mark, when compared to my previous hostel. My third semester started in October after a long vacation. This time I got three weekends and one half day each week. This was one of the most smooth semester till now. By this time I made many new friends from first year, and guided them with all their doubts. In this semester I got the exposure to various core computer science subjects such as Database Management System, Computer Organization, Data Structures, etc. This semester also ended in four months. From February 26,2024 my fourth semester started, this is my favorite semester till date. This is because I participated in my first hackathon in which I was competing with 150 teams from different universities. My team was awarded with fourth rank. This semester I am also very active to grab various opportunities. Recently I along with 15 students from my university got a chance to visit Cognizant Gurugram office which was a very good experience for all of us.

I believe Galgotais University provides various opportunities such as hackathons, industrial visits, Research events, etc. There are also various students clubs which are very helpful to develop new skills and gain good experiences. Numerous Events take place here including the Unifest which is one of the biggest fests of north India.

This was all about my journey so far, and I wish all the best to the new freshers!

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