List of Top 10 Fruit Producing Countries in the World

The top 10 Fruit Producing Countries in the World are China, India, Brazil, Turkey, Mexico, Indonesia, the United States, Spain, Italy, Philippines. Fruit production is highly dependent on soil type climate and temperature of the area where it is cultivated. Also, agricultural technology plays a major role in fruit cultivation in the nation. These nations channeled the fertile soil, weather, and climate as well as technology to produce a variety of fruits like citrus oranges, lush bananas, and sweet apples.

In this article, we will learn about the top 10 fruit-producing countries, their specialty, and their contribution to domestic as well as global fruit markets.

List of Top 10 Fruit Producing Countries in the World



Fruit production quantity (Tonnes)



253.9 million



107.9 million



39.8 million



25 million



23.7 million



23.6 million


United States

22.6 million



19 million



17.2 million



16.7 million

Tenth Largest Fruit Producing country in the World: Phillipines

Philippines is at the tenth position in the list of top 10 fruit-producing countries in the world. It is one of the largest producers of fruit in the globe.

  • Major fruits grown in the Philippines are Banana, Pineapple, and mango. Apart from that over 300 edible species of fruits are produced in the Philippines.
  • The tropical climate, the fertile soil, and moderate humidity lead to the largest production of mangoes, pineapples, and bananas.
  • The Philippine economy has extensively benefited by fruit production as it provides job opportunities directly and indirectly.
  • Tropical fruits that are grown in this country have many health benefits due to which they are used by pharmaceutical companies and exported to various other countries.
  • Each year, the Philippines grows approximately 15 million tons of fruits, of which a major part is contributed to the domestic market and exported directly.

Ninth Largest Fruit Producing country in the World: Italy

The ninth largest producer of fruits in the world is Italy. It is popular for producing olive oil and manufacturing fruit wines

  • Major fruits grown in Italy such as grapes, apples, olives, pears, lemons, and kiwi. most of the production is used in manufacturing wines.
  • The climate of Italy has a big impact on the production of the fruit variety. The southern part of the country has a dry climate which is ideal for cultivating fruits like grapes, oil, pears, and lemons while the northern part of Italy is much likely cold and hence has less fruit production.
  • Italy is the largest exporter of oil around the globe.
  • The cultivation of fruits in Italy not only benefits the small-scale farmers who sell their crops in the local market but also supports the big restaurants, wine factories, and large-scale food companies.
  • Each year the gross fruit produced in Italy is 17 million tons which are consumed in wine production, restaurants, and directly in the domestic market and global fruit market.

Eighth Largest Fruit Producing country in the World: Spain

The eighth largest fruit-producing country in the world is Spain. Spain holds the major share in European fruit cultivation and importation for non-European countries.

  • Major Fruits grown in Spain are avocados, oranges, watermelon, small citrus fruits, and peaches. Spain has less produce for traditional fruits due to which import has taken place.
  • Many factors affect the shift in fruit variety production. Since the population is now becoming more health conscious the awareness regarding the type of fruits to be consumed has increased, resulting reduction in the production of some fruits while increasing the production of other varieties.
  • The climate and soil type in Spain have affected the choice of farmers regarding fruit cultivation as the popularity of dragon fruit has increased among the farmers due to its sustainability in harsh conditions, low maintenance, and long lifespan.
  • Every year the gross fruit produced in Spain is 19 million tons still the country imports the crop from other nations to meet its domestic needs.

Seventh Largest Fruit Producing country in the World: United States

The seventh largest fruit-producing country in the world is the United States. Although this country is one of the largest fruit producer in the world still import a huge quantity from various parts of the globe.

  • Major fruits produced in the USA are apples, strawberries, lemons, and oranges. Out of which apples are the most consumed fruit in the US.
  • The fruit produce segment can be divided into two parts: fresh-produced fruit and imported fruit. Fresh fruit produce is consumed usually by food processing companies. Hence creating a need for importing fruit from outside the country.
  • The climate of the United States is ideal for growing non-citrus fruit which results in high production of apple, plum, cherry, and peach.
  • As noncitrus fruits are the key fruit produced in the US these fruits cover the major share in the export market of fruits.
  • Every year the country produces approximately 22.6 million tons of fruit which contributes to the global fruit market, native fruit processing companies, and domestic consumption.

Sixth Largest Fruit Producing country in the World: Indonesia

Indonesia is the sixth-largest fruit-producing country in the world with annual production of 23.6 million. Tropical fruits are one of the important export commodities.

  • Major fruits grown in Indonesia are durian, mangosteen, rambutan, and snake fruit. which are produced in the regions of Java and Sumatra.
  • The tropical climate and fertile soil of Indonesia made the country an ideal place to grow huge varieties of fruit. Also, climate variation all over the country leads to year-round fruit production in Indonesia.
  • Although the country is listed in the top 10 fruit-producing nations still domestic cultivation is insufficient to fulfill the native’s needs. Therefore the country exports some fruits from the global market.
  • Fruits that are imported into Indonesia are apples, grapes, pears. As the farmers in this nation still prefer the traditional ways of farming therefore the produce is low.
  • Small farmers in Indonesia have a significant role in fruit production using traditional methods which are carried forward from generation to generation.

Fifth Largest Fruit Producing country in the World: Mexico

Mexico is the fifth largest fruit-producing country in the world with annual production of 23.7 million tons. Mexican delicacy and culture are widely influenced by its fruit variety.

  • Major fruits grown in Mexico are avocado, guava, papaya, mango and pineapple. All these fruits are popularly used in making various exotic Mexican dishes.
  • The biodiversity of Mexico enables a wide range of fruit varieties to grow across the diverse climate and ecological system. Also having a historical relationship and culinary tradition plays an important role in the production of fruits.
  • The economy of this country is highly dependent on the fruit market as it generates revenue through various ways.
  • Most of the fruits produced in Mexico are consumed domestically hence less is exported. Some of the fruits that are exported from Mexico are tomato, lettuce, strawberries, and cucumber.

Fourth Largest Fruit Producing country in the World: Turkey

Turkey is the fourth largest fruit-producing country in the world with an annual production of 25 million tons.

  • Major fruits grown in Turkey are cherry, apricot, and figs which are cultivated near the regions of Anatolia and Aegean coast.
  • Turkey’s diverse climate and fertile soil help in growing a huge variety of fruits in the country such as oranges and other citrus fruits are popularly grown in the Mediterranean climate of Mersin and Antalya.
  • Turkey uses sustainable farming methods such as organic farming and integrated pest methods which help the fruit basket of Turkey to be cost effective.
  • The economy of the country has also benefited from this sector as the fruit cultivation processes create domestic employment and also generate revenue through exports.
  • Some of the major importers of fruits from Turkey are Russia, Iraq, Ukraine, Germany, and Romania.

Third Largest Fruit Producing country in the World: Brazil

The third largest fruit-producing country in the world is Brazil. The annual production of fruits is around 39 million tonnes which makes 16% of the total agricultural business in the country.

  • Some of the exotic fruits that are found in Brazil are Acai, Cashew Apple, Purple berry, and Passion fruits. Some common fruits are Guava, papaya, and Banana
  • The demand and consumption of fruits in the nation is gradually growing hence increasing the need for increasing production. Also, this country is known for its healthy and nutrition-rich fruits.
  • Brazil has a large rainforest and the highly fertile soil which is nourished by abundant sunshine and provides huge support to the growth of the immense variety of fruits.
  • The economy of the country is majorly supported by fruit cultivation and also drives the social development of the nation like other poor countries.
  • The southeast and northeast parts of the country have witnessed rapid growth in fruit cultivation which has created employment in various sectors for the Brazilian population.

Second Largest Fruit Producing country in the World: India

India is the second largest fruit-producing country in the world. The annual production of fruits is around 108 million tonnes with an immense variety in this sector.

  • Majorly grown fruits in India are mangoes, bananas, Oranges, and grapes. Alphanso and Kesar two types of mango particularly found in India lead the global popularity in the fruit market.
  • The states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh are the big players in the fruit business of the country.
  • With the diverse climate and fertile Indian plains, India enables the production of fruits to grow rapidly.
  • As fruit production in the country has an important place in the global market as well as the domestic economy, the government has started many schemes and plans to support the country’s horticultural sector.
  • Also, India’s rich culture and heritage contribute to the popularity and awareness of the fruit industry in the country and worldwide.

Largest Fruit Producing country in the World: China

China is the largest fruit-producing country in the world with an annual growth of 254 million tonnes. China holds a 50% share in the global fruit market.

  • Majorly grown fruits in China are citrus fruits, grapes, apples, and bananas.
  • The vast land and subtropical climate of the nation leads the production of varieties of fruit. The fertile soil along the Yangtze River plays an important role in fruit cultivation in China.
  • Rapid growth in the economy and lifestyle in China have shifted the preference of the population toward high-quality and fresh fruits resulting in to increase in demand for producing more fruits.
  • Also, China is one of the largest importers of fruits such as durian and banana being popular among the population
  • Having a good e-commerce marketplace has also contributed to the growth of the fruit production industry in China by increasing the network of supply and demand around the world.


The Fruit production industry in the world is dominated by climatic variance and soil fertility. Also, the advancement in Agro-based technology has an important role to play in this sector. Every country has its specific climatic condition and soil type due to which the diversity in fruit production is maintained globally. The top ten fruit-producing countries got control over all such factors and hence led the list of top fruit-producing countries. It can also be said that the economy of certain countries such as Brazil runs on this fruit business as it creates employment for the people and generates revenue through exports.

FAQ on Top 10 Fruit producing countries in the World

Which fruit in the world is most produced?

Banana is the fruit that is produced mostly. The annual production of banana is approximately 150 million tonnes.

Which fruit is most consumed in the world?

Banana is most eaten fruit in the world. Around 100 million tons banana is consumed per annum.

What are the top 10 most consumed fruits in the world?

The top 10 most consumed fruits in the world are banana, watermelon, apple, orange, grapes, strawberries ,cherry, pear, tomato, and Mango

Which fruit is most produced in India?

India is the top producer of mango, banana, and papaya. these are mainly produced in Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan.

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