Freelancer Work Experience as Web Developer

I have been associated as a freelancer for over 3 months, it was an amazing journey filled with personal growth, valuable learning experiences, and wonderful memories even though it was for a short interval of time. On the first day, I had a mixed feeling of excitement and nervousness. Everything was new to me. However, my boss was supportive and made me feel good from day one.

In my 3 months of working, one of the good things that impressed me my manager was always ready to help, provide guidance, and share their wealth of knowledge. Their boss played a crucial role in shaping my professional growth.

Responsibilities: My responsibilities as a Web Developer during my tenure.

  • Writing clean and efficient code using programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Angular7.
  • Building user-friendly and responsive websites using single-page applications to enhance the user experience.
  • Collaborating with the developer to design, develop, and deploy web applications.
  • Build the website user-friendly.

Overall, my time as a web developer has been beneficial. I appreciate the learning opportunities and growth initiatives available such as the mentorship program, which have helped me enhance my skills. With a focus on work-life balance, flexible hours, and remote work. I’ve been able to keep up a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Pros :

  • My boss was always there to help me whenever I was stuck in any problem whether it is a technical or code problem.
  • He also gave me an Excel sheet with some tasks written on it and dates so that I could note down the tasks which I do in a day.
  • He also held at least one meeting a week to see the progress of the project or in case of any issues or sometimes.

Cons :

  • Sometimes he held meeting on weekends
  • Sometimes he told me to complete the work on weekends which had become hectic for me.

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