Fractal using Spirograph in Python

Mathematics behind the curtain
#importing the required libraries
import random, argparse
import math
import turtle
from PIL import Image
from datetime import datetime    
from fractions import gcd
# A class that draws a spirograph
class Spiro:
    # constructor
    def __init__(self, xc, yc, col, R, r, l):
        # create own turtle
        self.t = turtle.Turtle()
        # set cursor shape
        # set step in degrees
        self.step = 5
        # set drawing complete flag
        self.drawingComplete = False
        # set parameters
        self.setparams(xc, yc, col, R, r, l)
        # initiatize drawing
    # set parameters
    def setparams(self, xc, yc, col, R, r, l):
        # spirograph parameters
        self.xc = xc
        self.yc = yc
        self.R = int(R)
        self.r = int(r)
        self.l = l
        self.col = col
        # reduce r/R to smallest form by dividing with GCD
        gcdVal = gcd(self.r, self.R)
        self.nRot = self.r//gcdVal
        # get ratio of radii
        self.k = r/float(R)
        # set color
        # current angle
        self.a = 0
    # restart drawing
    def restart(self):
        # set flag
        self.drawingComplete = False
        # show turtle
        # go to first point
        R, k, l = self.R, self.k, self.l
        a = 0.0
        x = R*((1-k)*math.cos(a) + l*k*math.cos((1-k)*a/k))
        y = R*((1-k)*math.sin(a) - l*k*math.sin((1-k)*a/k))
        self.t.setpos(self.xc + x, self.yc + y)
    # draw the whole thing
    def draw(self):
        # draw rest of points
        R, k, l = self.R, self.k, self.l
        for i in range(0, 360*self.nRot + 1, self.step):
            a = math.radians(i)
            x = R*((1-k)*math.cos(a) + l*k*math.cos((1-k)*a/k))
            y = R*((1-k)*math.sin(a) - l*k*math.sin((1-k)*a/k))
            self.t.setpos(self.xc + x, self.yc + y)
        # done - hide turtle
    # update by one step
    def update(self):
        # skip if done
        if self.drawingComplete:
        # increment angle
        self.a += self.step
        # draw step
        R, k, l = self.R, self.k, self.l
        # set angle
        a = math.radians(self.a)
        x = self.R*((1-k)*math.cos(a) + l*k*math.cos((1-k)*a/k))
        y = self.R*((1-k)*math.sin(a) - l*k*math.sin((1-k)*a/k))
        self.t.setpos(self.xc + x, self.yc + y)
        # check if drawing is complete and set flag
        if self.a >= 360*self.nRot:
            self.drawingComplete = True
            # done - hide turtle
    # clear everything
    def clear(self):
# A class for animating spirographs
class SpiroAnimator:
    # constructor
    def __init__(self, N):
        # timer value in milliseconds
        self.deltaT = 10
        # get window dimensions
        self.width = turtle.window_width()
        self.height = turtle.window_height()
        # create spiro objects
        self.spiros = []
        for i in range(N):
            # generate random parameters
            rparams = self.genRandomParams()
            # set spiro params
            spiro = Spiro(*rparams)
        # call timer
        turtle.ontimer(self.update, self.deltaT)
    # restart sprio drawing
    def restart(self):
        for spiro in self.spiros:
            # clear
            # generate random parameters
            rparams = self.genRandomParams()
            # set spiro params
            # restart drawing
    # generate random parameters
    def genRandomParams(self):
        width, height = self.width, self.height
        R = random.randint(50, min(width, height)//2)
        r = random.randint(10, 9*R//10)
        l = random.uniform(0.1, 0.9)
        xc = random.randint(-width//2, width//2)
        yc = random.randint(-height//2, height//2)
        col = (random.random(),
        return (xc, yc, col, R, r, l)
    def update(self):
        # update all spiros
        nComplete = 0
        for spiro in self.spiros:
            # update
            # count completed ones
            if spiro.drawingComplete:
                nComplete+= 1
        # if all spiros are complete, restart
        if nComplete == len(self.spiros):
        # call timer
        turtle.ontimer(self.update, self.deltaT)
    # toggle turtle on/off
    def toggleTurtles(self):
        for spiro in self.spiros:
            if spiro.t.isvisible():
# save spiros to image
def saveDrawing():
    # hide turtle
    # generate unique file name
    dateStr = ("%d%b%Y-%H%M%S")
    fileName = 'spiro-' + dateStr 
    print('saving drawing to %s.eps/png' % fileName)
    # get tkinter canvas
    canvas = turtle.getcanvas()
    # save postscipt image
    canvas.postscript(file = fileName + '.eps')
    # use PIL to convert to PNG
    img = + '.eps') + '.png', 'png')
    # show turtle
# main() function
def main():
    # use sys.argv if needed
    print('generating spirograph...')
    # create parser
    descStr = """This program draws spirographs using the Turtle module. 
    When run with no arguments, this program draws random spirographs.
    R: radius of outer circle.
    r: radius of inner circle.
    l: ratio of hole distance to r.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=descStr)
    # add expected arguments
    parser.add_argument('--sparams', nargs=3, dest='sparams', required=False
                        help="The three arguments in sparams: R, r, l.")
    # parse args
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # set to 80% screen width
    # set cursor shape
    # set title
    # add key handler for saving images
    turtle.onkey(saveDrawing, "s")
    # start listening 
    # hide main turtle cursor
    # checks args and draw
    if args.sparams:
        params = [float(x) for x in args.sparams]
        # draw spirograph with given parameters
        # black by default
        col = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        spiro = Spiro(0, 0, col, *params)
        # create animator object
        spiroAnim = SpiroAnimator(4)
        # add key handler to toggle turtle cursor
        turtle.onkey(spiroAnim.toggleTurtles, "t")
        # add key handler to restart animation
        turtle.onkey(spiroAnim.restart, "space")
    # start turtle main loop
# call main
if __name__ == '__main__':


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