Fourkites Interview Experience | Summer Internship

Round 1: Coding round on Hackerearth
Round 2: Technical Round 1
Question: Given a table, extract its odd columns
Question 1: Given two linked lists how can you merge them into one sorted linked list.
My Solution:
He asked me to improve the complexity of the solution.
he said no. 
Now he said assume there is a limit on memory.
He asked the time complexity of merge sort and to assume its a sorted list now merge them. 
def merge(list1, list2):
    list1, list2 are the two sorted lists
    Function returns the merged list
    ptr1 = 0
    ptr2 = 0
    finalList = []
    # While any pointer reaches the end of the list
    while ptr1 < len(list1) and ptr2 < len(list2): 
        # If list2 has the smaller element add it and increase the pointer to the next position 
        if list1[ptr1]>list2[ptr2]:
            ptr2 += 1
        # Otherwise add element form list1 and increase the pointer to the next position
            ptr1 += 1
    # Adding the elements left in list1 or list2
    if ptr1 == len(list1):
        while ptr2 <l en(list2):
            ptr2 += 1
        while ptr1 < len(list1):
            ptr1 += 1
    # finalList contains the merged list
    return finalList

I was asked the time complexity of the program, I replied
Round 3: Technical Round 2
Question: You have
My solution:
5 logs of size 2 3 4 5 7. Answer: 47
2+3 = 5, logs = 4, 5, 5, 7 cost = 5
4+5 = 8, logs = 5, 7, 9 cost = 5+9
5+7 = 9, logs = 9, 12 cost = 5+9+12
9+12 = 21, logs = 21 cost = 5+9+12+21 = 47

I could have sorted the list but after each join, I will have to insert a new log into the list
that can take
import heapq
def cost(n, logs):
    n is the number of logs
    logs is the list containing length of logs
    Returns the minimum cost of joining all the logs
    # Createing a min-heap using length of logs
    heap = []
    for i in range(n):
    cost = 0
    # Loop until one log is left
    while len(heap)>1:
        # Log with minimum value
        log1 = heap[0]
        # Removing the minimum / root value
        # Similarly second minimum log will be the minimum after the previous removal
        log2 = heap[0]
        # Length of new log which is equal to the cost of operation
        newlog = log1 + log2
        cost += newlog
        # Inserting the new log back in the heap
    # Cost stores the total cost for this operation
    return cost

I was asked the total time complexity of this operation which is
Round 4: Technical Round 3

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