Flutter – Add Quick Actions Button

Quick actions for your launcher screen so that your users can access commonly used functions, such as opening a particular screen, transferring records or using a template in the mobile app, etc. Also called as App Shortcuts(in Android) and Home Screen Actions(in iOS) which allow users to perform certain app actions without having to open the app. A sample video is given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article.


Step 1: Create a Flutter App

Create a flutter app or add the code to an existing app.


flutter create .

If you are using the feature in an existing app follow step 2.

Step 2: Add the following package

Add quick_actions package in your pubspec.yaml file


flutter pub add quick_actions

Step 3: You need to firstly create instance of QuickAction

Create a instance for quick action either in initstate or as normal declaration


QuickActions quickActions = const QuickActions();

Step 4: Intialise the quick actions

We will initialise the quick actions and in this we will also handle what to do on different action


quickActions.initialize((String shortcutType) {
    // TO handle the quickaction tap screen

This will intialise the quickaction and in next step. we wil add the icons details

Step 5: Add Quick actions button

Set quickactions button shortcut is init state like this


      // NOTE: This first action icon will only work on iOS.
      // In a real world project keep the same file name for both platforms.
      const ShortcutItem(
        type: 'action_one', // Type of action button
        localizedTitle: 'Action One', // Title to be shown to customer
        icon: 'AppIcon', // Name of Icon that you need to show in quick actions
      // NOTE: This second action icon will only work on Android.
      // In a real world project keep the same file name for both platforms.
      const ShortcutItem(
          type: 'action_two', // Type of action button
              'Action Two', // Name of Icon that you need to show in quick
              'ic_launcher' // Name of Icon that you need to show in quick actions
    ]).then((void _) {
      // Setstate the shortcut variable to show
        // that shortcut is added successfully
      setState(() {
        if (shortcut == 'no action set') {
          shortcut = 'Actions Ready';

In this we have passed some parameters in which type means unique key and localizedTitle will be shown to user and icon image will be shown to customer. Here we have added two icons different for android and IOS but when we build this feature in our app we will add same icons for both android and iOS. Let’s learn how to do this settings in your app in next step

Step 6: Set icon in android and iOS folder

Generate App Icon from here App Icon Generator and give it a name like “image1” or “ic”. It will generate folder and download it. If you unzip the folder you will get all the icons for iOS,android and web. In Android folder you will get 5.

Let’s set icon for android

Copy all the 5 folders from android folder you get in previous step in \android\app\src\main\res. Now go to first folder named as mipmap-hdpi and copy the icon and now paste it in \android\app\src\main\res\drawable. In the same folder create 1 more file named as quick_actions.xml in \android\app\src\main\res\drawable

Add the following code


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/image1" /> <!-- here your icon name-->

In \android\app\src\main\res\values you will get styles.xml add following code in that


<style name="QuickActions">
    <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/quick_actions</item>

If not found this file create and add the following code


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <style name="QuickActions">
    <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/quick_actions</item>

You have successfully created icon for quick action in android copy the name you have given to icon and paste it in your dart file where you have set quick actions icon


For iOS: Prefer black color image other wise it will not reflect

Let’s do it for iOS also

1. Open the ios folder in xcode

You can do this through visual studio also just select the ios folder and click menu will appear select Open in Xcode

2. In the sidebar, “Show the Project Navigator” (icon on the left ) and click on “Assets”

It will be on Runner > Runner > Assets like below

3. In bottom you will see + and – icon select it

4. Select Image set from menu

5. Change the image name which you have mentioned in your code or for android and save it.

You can load this configruation file that may help

1x: Load image “29.png”

2x: Load image “60.png”

3x: Load image “120.png”

6. Uninstall the app and install it again

Step 7: Handle what to do when user click on actions button

Currently I am just changing the variable value you can do anything on this like navigating or any functionality. You can do this by checking shortcut_type label and perform action according to that


quickActions.initialize((String shortcutType) {
      setState(() {
        shortcut = shortcutType;

Here you Go !! You have added the quick actions in your app.

Complete Source Code


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:quick_actions/quick_actions.dart';
void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});
  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Quick Actions Button Flutter Template',
      theme: ThemeData(
        colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(seedColor: Colors.deepPurple),
        useMaterial3: true,
      home: const QuickActionScreen(),
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs
class QuickActionScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  const QuickActionScreen({super.key});
  State<QuickActionScreen> createState() => _QuickActionScreenState();
class _QuickActionScreenState extends State<QuickActionScreen> {
  String shortcut = 'no action set';
  void initState() {
    QuickActions quickActions = const QuickActions();
    quickActions.initialize((String shortcutType) {
      setState(() {
        shortcut = shortcutType;
      // NOTE: This first action icon will only work on iOS.
      // In a real world project keep the same file name for both platforms.
      const ShortcutItem(
        type: 'action_one', // Type of action button
        localizedTitle: 'Beginner For Beginner', // Title to be shown to customer
        icon: 'AppIcon', // Name of Icon that you need to show in quick actions
      // NOTE: This second action icon will only work on Android.
      // In a real world project keep the same file name for both platforms.
      const ShortcutItem(
          type: 'action_two', // Type of action button
          localizedTitle: 'GFG', // Name of Icon that you need to show in quick
              'ic_quick_actions' // Name of Icon that you need to show in quick actions
    ]).then((void _) {
      // Setstate the shortcut variable to show
      // that shortcut is added successfully
      setState(() {
        if (shortcut == 'no action set') {
          shortcut = 'Actions Ready';
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text("Flutter Quick Actions Template"),
      body: Center(
        child: Text('Current Action type $shortcut'),

How to check this?

On home screen, long press the app icon to ‘get Action one or Action two options. Tapping on that action should set the toolbar title. We will explain this though output videos.


In Android


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