Flipkart Interview Experience | Set 15B

Flipkart recently visited our campus for the written test for December placements.

  • Hosted on: cocubes.com
  • Time: 90 mins
  • No objective questions.
  • Two coding questions only. We have to complete the function only.

Given a mxn grid, each of it’s element be either ‘.’, ‘R’, ‘G’ or ‘B’,
where ‘.’ → empty, ‘R’ → Red, ‘G’ → Green, ‘B’ → Blue
A Blue strip has width 1 and length greater or equal to one.
A Red strip has length 1 and width greater or equal to one.
If a Red strip and a Blue strip overlap, the overlapped portion will become ‘G’.
Find the minimum number of strips required to cover the whole grid.

1 ≤ m, n ≤ 100

  1. Input 2 4 ..B. ..B. Output 1
  2. Input 5 5 ..B.. ..GRR ..B.. R.... R.... Output 4
  3. Input 5 5 ..B.. ..GRR ..B.. B.... B...G Output 5


Blue stripes are vertical.
Red stripes are horizontal.

  1. Ex 1:
    Only 1 vertical strip from (0,2) to (1,2). [Indexing from (0,0)]

  2. Ex 2:
    1 vertical strip from (0,2) to (2,2)
    1 horizontal strip from (1,2) to (1,4)
    1 horizontal strip from (3,0) to (3,0)
    1 horizontal strip from (4,0) to (4,0)
    so total — 4

  3. Ex 3:
    1 vertical strip from (0,2) to (2,2)
    1 horizontal strip from (1,2) to (1,4)
    1 vertical strip from (3,0) to (4,0)
    1 horizontal strip from (4,4) to (4,4)
    1 vertical strip from (4,4) to (4,4)
    so total — 5

All Practice Problems for Flipkart !

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