Flipkart Interview Experience| Set 38 (For SDE II)

1) Coding Round:
Write down code in any language for a simple employee hierarchy which has 3 types of employees.
1. CEO
2. Manager
3. employee
Where an employee can have only 1 mgr, and a mgr has 1+ employees.

Give salary, rating details of each employee. Now we need to give bonus to top k performers under each manager. (Criteria is based on rating. If ratings are equal, chose whoever have less salary)

1 hour is given for coding this. After that discussion on that. Program needs to be executable. They looked at extensibility, modularity in code. So many discussions after that like – suppose new criteria added – for those who joined with in 6 months, I don’t want to give. Or I want to give only for who worked on morethan 1 project, etc. How to maintain all criteria information, how to apply, design for the same.

2) Algo round:

a) Given a matrix MXN and input k. You need to multiply the matrix – transforme to bigger matrix (the approach used in zoom of image it seems)

     Eg: [2 3 6 4 5 7]  and k = 2 
    resultant matrix [2 2 3 3 6 6
                      2 2 3 3 6 6 
                      4 4 5 5 7 7
                      4 4 5 5 7 7]

b) Stream of words is input. Need to maintain top k words

3) Design Round

Was asked to design “vending machine system”

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