Flipkart Interview Experience SDE 2

Machine Coding Round: 1.5 hours

Design a Ride Sharing Application where drivers can offer rides (origin, destination, no of seats), riders can request rides ( origin, destination, no of seats) and there is an algo to decide which driver should be given the trip in case of a collision ( maximum overlapping one) 

Personal Interview Round: 45 mins

Interviewer: SDE 3 with 4 years experience 

 Design Round: 1 hr

Interviewer SDE 4 with 6 years experience 

Design Instagram with following features: 

  1. Photo Upload
  2. Follow
  3. NewsFeed
  4. How would you handle celebrities ?

Hiring Manager Round: 45 mins

Senior Engineering manager with 13 years of exp 

Project, technical deep dive, why you want to change strength, weakness, career aspirations, expectations from new manager, road map down the line for the next couple of years 


Results: Rejected due to ‘culture fit’ issues . No proper reason given even after repeated email requests to do the same.


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