Flipkart Interview Experience for SDE-1

I applied for the SDE1 position at Flipkart after receiving a recommendation from a former classmate, and two weeks later, I received a call from the recruiter informing me that my application had been shortlisted for the interview that would take place a week later.

Three rounds of the interview are held.

Interview Round 1: In the first round of machine coding, I had to create a conference room allocation system that involved many buildings, each of which had a number of levels, and each of which had a number of conference rooms. The following standards had to be followed:

  • Add a structure
  • Adding a floor to a structure
  • Include a meeting room on a specific floor of a certain building.
  • Assign a conference room to a person for a specific time period.
  • Reject the allocation
  • Indicate whether rooms are available during specific time periods.

We have about two hours to code this. The handling of edge cases was the main emphasis of this round. It should be possible to compile and test the code. The OOPS ideas were not given significant attention.

Interview Round 2: Data structures and problem-solving were the topics covered in this round. I had 30 minutes to complete the two questions that were given to me.

Interview Round 3: These broad behavioral questions were part of the hiring manager round. We talked about my hackathons, my current project, and the difficulties I encountered while working on the projects.

The HM was quite pleased with my replies in this 30- to 35-minute session as well.


I received a call the next day informing me that I had been chosen for the position with the Flipkart Search Team. I received my offer letter a week later.

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