Flipkart Interview Experience

Flipkart is certainly one of the most amazing companies to work for in recent times. The startup environment, great people and the enthusiasm really gets to you. As it takes new strides to becoming a giant in the ecommerce space with new products every month (like ebooks recently), it needs highly qualified professionals to sustain this growth. Here is how it’s like to interview with Flipkart for a software engineering role.

Going through the rounds

Flipkart, like most companies, had multiple rounds of interviews. First in the list was an online round in which the candidates had to attempt 30 Multiple Choice Questions and 2 programs to do in 90 minutes. Major topics that most of the questions were based on were the general concepts of Aptitude, C Language, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures, Operating Systems and Databases.

This was followed by another written round in which they asked a programming question. Applicants had to face three rounds of technical interviews. These concentrated heavily on general algorithm designing. The problems given primarily tested Recursion Techniques, Greedy Techniques and Dynamic Approach to design an efficient algorithm.

Best part? They kept guiding the candidate if he/she got lost anywhere in the process.

Flipkart recruiters mainly tested on how we think when solving a problem. It’s not that you should know a lot of things, but you should be able to apply whatever you know. At many occasions hints and directions like “Think like this……” and then find a better solution were provided. They want to get the best out of you during the interview, so just go across different problems and try to apply your knowledge of algorithms into different applications.

The written round tests the basics and the interviews test how he/she applies different techniques and methods to develop an efficient algorithm for a problem. They mainly focus on your thinking process, so I would suggest keep speaking your ideas continuously during your interview. If you go wrong they will guide you.

Advice and Tips

One should be clear in the basics of any preferable language. He/she should be able to think and apply the knowledge of one concept in another situation. No one will ask anything straight from the book. All Books can give you so much – standard algorithms and standard problems. From there on, it’s the candidate’s skill that will decide his performance. It is you who has to decide given a problem which method will be most feasible and fastest.

So the advice would be to see different problems on greedy techniques and dynamic programming using recursion. And try to understand why a particular technique was used and why other techniques would have given poor results. This will help in thinking wide when you come across a problem.


All Practice Problems for Flipkart !

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