Five Phases of Computer Forensics Investigation Procedure

Computer Forensics relates to retrieving, examining, and interpreting digital data and is frequently employed to identify proof in legal disputes, criminal prosecutions, or internal inquiries. In many situations, electronic data can offer crucial evidence and hints that help identify cybercrime, data theft, crypto crimes, security lapses, hacking incidents, etc. Investigating complicated data problems is made easier with the help of computer or digital forensics.

Computer forensics investigators employ a range of software tools and methodologies to carry out the investigative process that aids in identifying the origin and cause of a cyberattack, deciding whether there was a hack, and how long the hacker was able to access the system, it assists with making of the chronology of illegal activities, such as data alteration or unauthorized access, and supports to secure digital evidence. A computer forensic investigation can assist with locating and substantiating many forms of misconduct, such as cyber espionage, financial fraud, network or system breaches, internet misuse, data theft or disclosure, and many more.

In civil or criminal proceedings, undertaking a systematic and well-structured process based on computer forensics inquiry is essential for maintaining data integrity and allowing it to be admitted as evidence during legal proceedings. In this article, we will look into the core phases of a computer forensics investigation procedure, including identifying resources, preserving data, analysis, documentation, and presentation. 

Phases of Computer Forensics Investigation

There are five phases of the digital or computer forensics investigation process that are as follows:

Phases of Digital Forensics Investigation Procedure

Computer Forensics Investigation Phase 1: Identification

A computer forensics investigation procedure starts with identifying the resources and devices that hold data that will be the subject of the inquiry. Investigational data may be found on personal devices like tablets and mobile phones, or any equipment i.e. used by users, such as PCs or laptops. After that, these devices or gadgets are seized and sealed off to prevent any potential for manipulation of data. If the data is stored on a server, network, or cloud, the organization or investigator must guarantee that access to it is restricted to the investigating team only.

Computer Forensics Investigation Phase 2: Extraction of Data and Preservation

A computer forensics expert or forensics analyst then employs forensics techniques to retrieve any data that may be relevant to the inquiry once the devices involved in it have been confiscated and secured in a safe and secure location. They then keep the material securely. During this phase, a digital replica, or “Forensics Image” of the pertinent data, may be created. The original data and equipment are stored in a secure place, and this created copy of data is utilized for analysis and review. This keeps the original data unaltered even if the inquiry is hampered.

Computer Forensics Investigation Phase 3: Analysis

After identifying and isolating the devices in inquiry, as well as copying and securely storing the data, digital forensic investigators employ a range of methodologies to retrieve relevant data and scrutinize it, seeking out clues or proof that suggests misconduct. This frequently entails seeking to recover and inspect erased, corrupted, or encrypted files through the use of techniques like:

  • Reverse Steganography: It is a technique that is mainly used for extracting hidden info by looking at the hash or character string behind an image or other piece of data.
  • Data Carving or Deleted File Recovery: It is a process of identifying and retrieving erased or deleted files by looking for any fragments that the deleted files could have left behind.
  • Live Analysis: It is a technique by which the volatile data that is kept in RAM or cache is located, analyzed, and extracted using system tools when the operating system is working or live. To effectively preserve the chain of evidence, live analyses are mainly conducted or examined in a forensic lab.
  • Keyword Searches: It is a process of investigation that makes use of keywords to find and examine data that has been erased that is relevant to the inquiry.
  • Cross-drive Analysis (CDA): Cross-drive analysis is also used in the process of investigation analysis and is a feature extraction technique that enables investigators to examine data from many sources at once.

Computer Forensics Investigation Phase 4: Documentation

After the analysis phase is completed, the investigation’s results are accurately documented in a manner that facilitates visualizing the complete inquiry process and its conclusions. A chronology of the actions that caused misconduct, such as data breaches, data leaks, financial crime, cyber espionage, or network breaches, may be created with the use of proper documentation.

Computer Forensics Investigation Phase 5: Presentation

Once all the above phases are complete, the results or findings are submitted to the committee or court that will decide how to proceed with a lawsuit or internal complaint. Investigators using computer forensics can serve as expert witnesses, providing a summary and presentation of the evidence that they gathered and sharing their conclusions.


In conclusion, digital evidence is found, preserved, analyzed, and reported using a systematic process that involves the five phases of computer forensics investigation, those are stages that are practiced, then they begin with identification, continue with preservation, pass through analysis and documentation/reporting, and end with presenting. It is the highly procedural nature of such an approach that ensures the accuracy and reliability of investigators’ findings when, eventually, they use technological resources to affect the resolution of cases and events.

Doing this way, it would lift and create standards of neutrality and openness of investigation enhancing the consideration of judicial law and gaining successful trust from the public in society to secure them from any potential cyber threat from happening.

Frequently Asked Questions on Phases of Computer Forensics Investigation Procedure – FAQs

What is the initial step or phase of the computer forensics procedure?

The first phase that involves the investigation procedure is the identification of resources and devices that contain data i.e. relevant to the inquiry. It can include personal devices and computers, as well as servers or cloud storage systems where data may reside in it.

What happens during the extraction and preservation phase of cyber forensics investigation?

In the phase of extraction and preservation, a forensics expert or investigator retrieves relevant data from the identified devices using specific techniques while ensuring that the original data remains unaltered. A digital copy, known as a “Forensics Image”, may be created and safely stored for analysis.

What methods or techniques are employed during the analysis phase of computer forensics investigation?

Computer forensics investigators employ various methodologies such as reverse steganography, data carving, live analysis, keyword searches, and cross-drive analysis to retrieve and scrutinize relevant data for evidence of misconduct.

How is the documentation process carried out in computer forensics investigation?

Once the analysis phase is complete, the investigation findings are carefully documented to visualize the whole inquiry process and its conclusions. This documentation may include a chronological account of activity leading to misconduct, such as data leaks or cyber espionage.

What function does presentation serve in the process of computer forensics investigation?

It is the final phase of the investigation procedure, where investigators present their findings to the relevant committees or courts, serving as expert witnesses. They provide proper summarization of the evidence gathered and share the conclusions drawn from their findings, contributing to the resolution of legal proceedings or internal complaints.

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