First American (India) Interview Experience for Technical Trainee (On-Campus) 2023-24

Recently FAI visited our campus for the placement of B.Tech students for the role of Technical Trainee in Banglore.

There were total 5 rounds so let’s look at this one by one.

Round – 1

Aptitude and Technical

This was an online written round on the SHL platform in which there were basic Aptitude, Logical, Pseudocode, and technical MCQs. It can be easily cleared with basic technical and Aptitude knowledge.

Out of approx 750 students, 227 cleared this round.

After this, every round was conducted at our college premises.

Round – 2

Group discussion

That was basically a round to eliminate the crowd and a group of 8-10 members was formed. We were given 10 minutes to have a discussion over the given topic so for clearing this round we must have confidence and atleast try to put 2 valid arguments in front of the invigilator.

So out of 227 students, 24 cleared this round.

Round -3

Technical Interview -1

This was the first technical round that lasted for approx 25-30 minutes. Following are the some questions that were asked in this round –

  1. Introduce yourself
  2. About internship that I have mentioned and about the database used in my internship.
  3. Explain the code of palindrome number with complete dry run and then the interviewer asked different approach how to whether a string is palindrome or not.
  4. Any real life oops concept used in my internship.
  5. Questions on my project mentioned in the resume.
  6. Find 2nd highest salary in database. I have answered with two approaches.
  7. Then they asked whether I have worked on AL/ML or not.
  8. Any questions for me.

I have missed few questions but this was the major part so it went well and after few minutes I got the news that I am selected for the 2nd Technical round.

Around 13-14 students were selected for the 2nd technical round.

Round -4

Technical Round -2

This round was the most cruicial one and lasted for approx 55-60 minutes. The questions were like-

  1. Introduce yourself
  2. Where are you basically from.
  3. Why you have chosen Engineering
  4. Well after this the interviewer came to point and the first question was to explain every concepts of OOPs in detail with the code. So I explained all four pillars of OOPs in details, then access modifiers, interface in java, overriding, overloading. Like everything in OOPs.
  5. After this interviewer asked me why interface is required if we are already implementing everything in the derived class.
  6. Then the interviewer looked into the resume and as I have mentioned web development so the next question was to write the html code to generate 2 rows and 3 columns table.
  7. What is row span and col span.
  8. Then the interviewer came to my React project and asked to explain the flow of the whole project like how everything works when user hits the link.
  9. About CORS policy
  10. As I have used MongoDB in my project so interviewer asked why I have chosen MongoDB and is it necessary to choose MongoDB with React and not SQl or any other database.
  11. Then asked me to two sql queries so I don’t remember the first one but I was able to do so and the 2nd one was based on concept of performing three table join so I was able to answer this with the help of nested query but was not able to explain the Join concept here.
  12. Any question you want to ask.

So this was a major round and I was able to answer the majority of questions but on getting stuck at any point I didn’t panicked at all and answered wisely so remember one thing that NO ONE KNOWS EVERYTHING!

So after half an hour got the result and 7 students were selected for the final HR round.

Round – 5

HR Round

So this was an easy going round that lasted for approx 15 minutes and was kind of a general talk.

  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. Are you comfortable in relocating to Banglore as you will get good amount of opportunities here as well.
  3. Life aspirations.
  4. Anything you want to ask. And then I have asked Any kind of a suggestion you want to give to a fresher and we had 5 minute of discussion over this only.

So after all this out of 7 total 5 students were selected from our college and glad to be one of them.

Verdict – SELECTED

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