Find winner when players can increment any element following given constraints

You are given an arr[] of length N, containing positive integers. Then the task is to find the winner when two players are playing the game by alternatively following the given constraints: 

  • At his turn a player can select any index i such that (0 ? i < N) and increment arr[i].
  • The game continues, until a permutation {P1, P2, . . . ., PN} of numbers 1 to N exists such that arr[i] ? P[i] for (0 ? i < N).

Note: The first player makes the first move.


Input: N = 4, arr[] = {3, 1, 2, 3}
Output: 1

  • First player choose index 3 and increment 3 to 4, arr[] = {3, 1, 2, 4}
  • Second player can’t make any operation after first player:
    • If second player increment 3 at index 0, Then arr[] = {4, 1, 2, 4}. No permutation from 1 to 4 exists such which have 2 elements at least 4.
    • If second player increment 1 at index 1, Then arr[] = {3, 2, 2, 4}. There is no element which is same or equal to 1 in a permutation of first 4 numbers
    • If second player increment 2 at index 2, Then arr[] = {3, 1, 3, 4}. There are total 3 elements which have value of at least of 3 but in the permutation there can be only 2 such elements.
    • If second player increment 4 at index 3, Then arr[] = {3, 1, 2, 5}. No permutation of first 4 numbers have the value 5.

Input: N = 1, arr[] = {1}
Output: 2
Explanation: As First player can’t make any move, Because no permutation will exist after incrementing 1 at index 0.

Input: N = 2, arr[] = {1, 1}
Output: 1

Approach: Implement the idea below to solve the problem

The problem can be solved by sorting arr[] and then take difference of A[i] with sorted Permutation P[i] (1, 2, . . . N). There are two things needed to understand:

  1. Why we are sorting both arr[i] and P[i].
  2. Calculating difference of P[i]-arr[i].
  • Reason for sorting: As it is given in the problem in the problem statement that arr[i] ? P[i], Which is only possible when arr[i] contains element such that (P[i]-arr[i] ? 0).So  we need to sort both arr[i] and P[i].
  • Reason for calculating difference: In each operation a player can increment an element. We can calculate total operation of game by calculating (i+1)-arr[i] for i = 0 to (N-1) after sorting the array. If for any index i, the value ((i+1)-arr[i]) < 0, it is not possible to make any move by the current player. Otherwise, winner can be checked on the basis of calculated difference:   
    • If the total difference is odd, first player wins.  
    • If the total difference is even, second player wins.    

Follow the steps mentioned below to implement the idea:

  • Create two variables as flag and difference. 
  • Sort the array arr[].
  • Run a loop from i = 0 to N-1:
    • If (i+1 – arr[i]) < 0, mark the flag as false and break the loop. 
    • Else add (i+1 – arr[i]) into the variable difference.
  • If the flag is true and difference is odd, the first player wins. 
  • If the flag is true and difference is even, the second player wins. 
  • If the flag is false, only the second player wins.

Below is the implementation of the above approach.


// C++ code to implement the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function for find winner
bool findWinner(int N, long arr[])
  // A flag is initialized to true
  bool flag = true;
  // Variable to calculate absolute difference
  long difference = 0;
  // Loop for traversing on arr[]
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    // If an element found such that A[i]>P[i]
    if (((i + 1) - arr[i]) < 0) {
      // Marking flag as false
      // and breaking the loop
      flag = false;
    else {
      // Adding difference P[i]-A[i]    in
      // difference variable
      difference += ((i + 1) - arr[i]);
  // If flag is true means someone is winner because
  // rule A[i]<=P[i] of game followed successfully If
  // difference is odd then First player(returning
  // true) wins else second player wins
  // else condition
  // will execute when A[i]<=P[i] not followed,
  // Formally after sorting both A[] and P[] an
  // element is there such that A[i]>P[i] at any i
  // for(1<=i<=N) following 1 based indexing
  if (flag)
    return difference % 2 != 0 ? true : false;
    return false;
// Driver Function
int main()
  // Testcase1
  // Input value of N
  int N = 5;
  // Input arr[], On which game will be played
  long arr[] = { 1, 2, 2, 4, 1 };
  // Sorting arr[] with in-built sort function
  // Printing winner by calling findWinner() function
    findWinner(N, arr) == true ? "1" : "2")<<endl;
  // Testcase2
  // Input value of N
  int N2 = 6;
  // Input arr[], On which game will be played
  long arr2[] = { 3, 2, 4, 9, 7 };
  // Sorting arr[] with in-built sort function
  // Printing winner by calling findWinner() function
    findWinner(N2, arr2) == true ? "1" : "2")<<endl;
// This code is contributed by Pushpesh Raj.


// Java code to implement the approach
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    // Driver Function
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws java.lang.Exception
        // Testcase1
        // Input value of N
        int N = 5;
        // Input arr[], On which game will be played
        long[] arr = { 1, 2, 2, 4, 1 };
        // Sorting arr[] with in-built sort function
        // Printing winner by calling findWinner() function
            findWinner(N, arr) == true ? "1" : "2");
        // Testcase2
        // Input value of N
        int N2 = 6;
        // Input arr[], On which game will be played
        long[] arr2 = { 3, 2, 4, 9, 7 };
        // Sorting arr[] with in-built sort function
        // Printing winner by calling findWinner() function
            findWinner(N2, arr2) == true ? "1" : "2");
    // Function for find winner
    static boolean findWinner(int N, long[] arr)
        // A flag is initialized to true
        boolean flag = true;
        // Variable to calculate absolute difference
        long difference = 0;
        // Loop for traversing on arr[]
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            // If an element found such that A[i]>P[i]
            if (((i + 1) - arr[i]) < 0) {
                // Marking flag as false
                // and breaking the loop
                flag = false;
            else {
                // Adding difference P[i]-A[i]    in
                // difference variable
                difference += ((i + 1) - arr[i]);
        // If flag is true means someone is winner because
        // rule A[i]<=P[i] of game followed successfully If
        // difference is odd then First player(returning
        // true) wins else second player wins
        // else condition
        // will execute when A[i]<=P[i] not followed,
        // Formally after sorting both A[] and P[] an
        // element is there such that A[i]>P[i] at any i
        // for(1<=i<=N) following 1 based indexing
        if (flag)
            return difference % 2 != 0 ? true : false;
            return false;


# Python code for the above approach
# Function for find winner
def find_winner(N, arr):
    # A flag is initialized to true
    flag = True
    # Variable to calculate absolute difference
    difference = 0
    # Loop for traversing on arr[]
    for i in range(N):
        # If an element found such that A[i]>P[i]
        if ((i + 1) - arr[i]) < 0:
            # Marking flag as false
            # and breaking the loop
            flag = False
            # Adding difference P[i]-A[i] in
            # difference variable
            difference += ((i + 1) - arr[i])
    # If flag is true means someone is winner because
    # rule A[i]<=P[i] of game followed successfully If
    # difference is odd then First player(returning
    # true) wins else second player wins
    # else condition
    # will execute when A[i]<=P[i] not followed,
    # Formally after sorting both A[] and P[] an
    # element is there such that A[i]>P[i] at any i
    # for(1<=i<=N) following 1 based indexing
    if flag:
        return difference % 2 != 0
        return False
# Testcase1
# Input value of N
N = 5
# Input arr[], On which game will be played
arr = [1, 2, 2, 4, 1]
# Sorting arr[] with in-built sort function
# Printing winner by calling findWinner() function
print("1" if find_winner(N, arr) else "2")
# Testcase2
# Input value of N
N2 = 6
# Input arr[], On which game will be played
arr2 = [3, 2, 4, 9, 7]
# Sorting arr[] with in-built sort function
# Printing winner by calling findWinner() function
print("1" if find_winner(N2, arr2) else "2")
# This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh


// C# code to implement the approach
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class GFG {
  static public void Main()
    // Testcase1
    // Input value of N
    int N = 5;
    // Input arr[], On which game will be played
    long[] arr = { 1, 2, 2, 4, 1 };
    // Sorting arr[] with in-built sort function
    // Printing winner by calling findWinner() function
    Console.WriteLine(findWinner(N, arr) ? "1" : "2");
    // Testcase2
    // Input value of N
    int N2 = 6;
    // Input arr[], On which game will be played
    long[] arr2 = { 3, 2, 4, 9, 7 };
    // Sorting arr[] with in-built sort function
    // Printing winner by calling findWinner() function
    Console.WriteLine(findWinner(N2, arr2) ? "1" : "2");
  // Function for find winner
  static bool findWinner(int N, long[] arr)
    // A flag is initialized to true
    bool flag = true;
    // Variable to calculate absolute difference
    long difference = 0;
    // Loop for traversing on arr[]
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      // If an element found such that A[i]>P[i]
      if (((i + 1) - arr[i]) < 0) {
        // Marking flag as false
        // and breaking the loop
        flag = false;
      else {
        // Adding difference P[i]-A[i]    in
        // difference variable
        difference += ((i + 1) - arr[i]);
    // If flag is true means someone is winner because
    // rule A[i]<=P[i] of game followed successfully If
    // difference is odd then First player(returning
    // true) wins else second player wins
    // else condition
    // will execute when A[i]<=P[i] not followed,
    // Formally after sorting both A[] and P[] an
    // element is there such that A[i]>P[i] at any i
    // for(1<=i<=N) following 1 based indexing
    if (flag)
      return difference % 2 != 0;
      return false;
// This code is contributed by lokeshmvs21.


// Javascript code to implement the approach
// Function for find winner
function findWinner(N, arr)
  // A flag is initialized to true
  let flag = true;
  // Variable to calculate absolute difference
  let difference = 0;
  // Loop for traversing on arr[]
  for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    // If an element found such that A[i]>P[i]
    if (((i + 1) - arr[i]) < 0) {
      // Marking flag as false
      // and breaking the loop
      flag = false;
    else {
      // Adding difference P[i]-A[i]    in
      // difference variable
      difference += ((i + 1) - arr[i]);
  // If flag is true means someone is winner because
  // rule A[i]<=P[i] of game followed successfully If
  // difference is odd then First player(returning
  // true) wins else second player wins
  // else condition
  // will execute when A[i]<=P[i] not followed,
  // Formally after sorting both A[] and P[] an
  // element is there such that A[i]>P[i] at any i
  // for(1<=i<=N) following 1 based indexing
  if (flag)
    return difference % 2 != 0 ? true : false;
    return false;
// Driver Function
  // Testcase1
  // Input value of N
  let N = 5;
  // Input arr[], On which game will be played
  let arr = [1, 2, 2, 4, 1 ];
  // Sorting arr[] with in-built sort function
  // Printing winner by calling findWinner() function
  document.write(findWinner(N, arr) == true ? "1" : "2");
  // Testcase2
  // Input value of N
  let N2 = 6;
  // Input arr[], On which game will be played
  let arr2 = [3, 2, 4, 9, 7 ];
  // Sorting arr[] with in-built sort function
  // Printing winner by calling findWinner() function
  document.write(findWinner(N2, arr2) == true ? "1" : "2");



Time Complexity: O(N * logN)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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