Find the area and perimeter of right triangle in PL/SQL

Prerequisite PL/SQL introduction

In PL/SQL code groups of commands are arranged within a block. A block group related declarations or statements. In declare part, we declare variables and between begin and end part, we perform the operations.

Given the lengths of hypotenuse, base, and height of a right triangle, the task is to find the area and perimeter of the triangle.


Input: hypotenuse = 10, base = 4, height = 14
Output:  Area = 28, Perimeter = 28
Input: hypotenuse = 30,  base = 10, height = 25
Output: Area = 125, Perimeter = 65

Formula for calculating area and perimeter:
Area of right triangle:

 1/2 * base * height

Perimeter of triangle:

len of hypotenuse + len of base + len of height

Below is the required implementation:

    -- declare variable side1, side2,
    -- base, height, area and perimeter
    -- and these six variable datatype
    -- are float
    hypotenuse     FLOAT;
    base      FLOAT;
    height    FLOAT;
    area      FLOAT;
    perimeter FLOAT;
    -- here we assign the value in
    -- side1, side2, base, height  
    hypotenuse := 10;
    base := 4;
    height := 14;
    area := .5 * base * height;
    perimeter := hypotenuse + height + base;
    dbms_output.Put_line(' Area of triangle is '
                         || area);
    dbms_output.Put_line(' Perimeter of triangle is '
                         || perimeter);
-- Program End 

Output :

 Area of triangle is 28
 Perimeter of triangle is 28

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